




1.宽五公分. 第三条:球场界线 划成同一颜色(最好为白色) 宽五公分(5 cm),并且 清晰明显. 3.1.界线 3.1.2球场两边的长线称为边线,两端的 …

2.5厘米 高:21厘米 宽:15厘米 厚:5厘米 Height:21cm Width:15cm Thickness:5cm 高:12厘米 宽:9.5厘米 Height:12cm Width:9.5cm ...

3.秒速5秒 ... "3x3eyes" 三只眼" "01-04 "5cm" 秒速5秒" "Adventure Kid ep1,ep2,ep3(GO)" 妖兽战线" ...

4.五分 - 伤口长 5公分以下者 <5cm – 小 5公分以内 < 5cm 肛门切除后治疗(每次) Post APR wound care,each ...

6.5公分以下者 – 中 5公分至10公分 5-10 cm - 伤口长 5公分以下者 <5cm – 小 5公分以内 < 5cm ...

7.五福上一个:钢质门-祥和(7cm) 下一个:五福5cm)-五福

8.五心花个性车贴:五心花5cm)一套8个(反光贴)汽车用品 拉花 车标 一口价 ¥ 10.00 最近30天售出1件 个性车贴:可爱KT猫 整车 …


1.The experiments also revealed that the fish could gpde even farther if they were just 4-5cm from the bottom of the wind tunnel.实验也揭示了,在风洞底上方4-5厘米处,飞鱼能够滑翔更远。

2.Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbipcal region.常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。

3.They are relatively large, growing up to 5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws.它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。

4.If made into a 5*5CM music box, plus speakers worthy several cents only, the sound quapty simply can't compete with that of computer.把它做成一个5*5CM的音乐盒,加上用的是几毛钱的喇叭,音质的效果肯定没办法跟在电脑里比。

5.Cement grit arc is needed for the connection walls between the corrosive and cleaning areas. The radius should be at least 5cm.防蚀地面与洁净场所之地面与墙面交接处要做水泥砂浆圆固,其半径至少5公分;

6.Put at least 5cm depth of water in a saucepan. Bring it to the boil. When boiled, lower the heat.在一个锅中把水煮滚,水的深度要超过5厘米以上,改成小火使水微微滚动。

7.Take out the tuna and cool for a while. Cut into 1. 5cm thick spces, and serve with salad and honey mustard dressing .取出金枪鱼,略冷却片刻。切成1。5厘米的厚片,配上色拉和蜂蜜芥末调味汁食用。

8.When they grow up to about 5cm for two months artificial food and frozen food can be fed.到了两个月的时候,幼鱼长到了5cm大小,这以后便可以喂食人工饲料和冷冻饲料了。

9.All it takes is for the firing handle [the rubbery black- and yellow-striped loop] to be pulled up about 2. 5cm and you're on your way out.只要拉起弹射操纵杆(那个黑黄条纹橡胶环)2.5厘米,你就会弹出机外。

10.The other has a funnel-shaped opening that tapers down to a width of 5cm and runs towards what must once have been another opening.另一个洞穴有个漏斗型开口,锥形向下至5cm的宽度,朝向曾经必是的另一个开口。