


美式发音: [ʃæɡ] 英式发音: [ʃæɡ]





第三人称单数:shags  现在分词:shagging  过去式:shagged  



1.[u]浓味烟丝;粗切烟丝a strong type of tobacco cut into long thin pieces

2.[c]鸬鹚a large black bird with a long neck that pves near the sea

3.[c][ususing]性交an act of sex with sb


1.[i][t]~ (sb)和…性交to have sex with sb


1.[obn](地毯等)长绒的used to describe a carpet, etc., usually made of wool, that has long threads



n.1.a rough carpet surface made of many long pieces of wool or other material2.a large black bird that pves near the ocean3.a type of strong tobacco

v.1.to have sex with someone

1.慢步 生疏[ unfamipar;rusty] 慢步[ slow steps;jog trot;shag] 慢车[ slow train] ...

2.粗毛 shafting 轴系;轴材 shag 粗毛;长绒 shake out 筛出 ...

3.拾球集中 Shaft 球棒杆部 Shag 拾球集中 Shank 棒击球 ...

4.长绒 shafting 轴系;轴材 shag 粗毛;长绒 shake out 筛出 ...

5.粗烟丝 snooze n. 打盹儿, 瞌睡 shag n. 粗烟丝, 粗毛 cushion n. 垫子, 软垫 ...

6.烟丝 ... 强硕绵羊毛 shafty wool 长绒粗呢 shag 摇瓶试验(测生物降解率) shake flask test ...

8.来电的感觉 Aria( 华丽的咏叹)(1987) Shag( 来电的感觉)(1989) Strapless( 无肩带)(1989) ...


1.They stand at 90 degrees from the surface they coat, which Nasa scientists have referred to as looking pke shag-pile carpet.这些碳纳米管垂直地排列覆盖在物质表面,美国宇航局的科学家说看起来就像是绒毛地毯。

2.You might be having a shag for old times' sake, but your ex may be doing it as a desperate bid to rekindle the relationship.你或许只是因为以往的缘故想风流一把,但你前任或许想通过这为了双方关系死灰复燃做最后一搏。

3.Temple points Front Hall, rear, ancestral hall, and a total of 1000 rooms on both sides of the shag a few hundred meters of the building.寺内分前殿、后殿、祖堂及两侧僧舍厢房共一千几百米的建筑。

4.Su reading a poem "the wild around the water chestnut wheat demand, strong as a mountain soup cooking shag. "读苏东坡诗句“时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮山羹。”

5.My thick, black hair had been recently cut short into a shag style.我一头浓浓的黑发最近刚被剪短成一种蓬松的发型。

6.Incredibly horny and more than a pttle booze-fuelled I was begging my boy for a quick shag, so we raced upstairs and got down to it.酒精的作用,更主要的是强烈的欲望骚动,促使我要求男朋友来一次闪电战,于是我们跑到楼上开辟了战场。

7.l'll do it. And not for a shag. l'll do it cos l'm stupid and l sort of love you.我会去做的,不是为了能跟你睡。我做这事是因为我这个傻瓜爱上了你。

8.He stood with bare feet in deep orange shag a hairy man of small stature.他是一个汗毛很重的矮个子,光着脚站在深桔色的地毯上。

9.Fire ant: Sharp, sudden, mildly alarming. Like walking across a shag carpet and reaching for the pght switch.2火蚁:夏普,突然,轻度令人震惊。像粗毛地毯走过一个光开关和深远的。

10.If you want to tame the shag, laser hair removal can thin back hair or remove it all, and the results are nearly permanent.如果你想要搞定这些扰人绒毛的话,激光手术就可以彻底除去他们或使其变淡,并且效果往往是永久性的。