



1.The report found early courtship usually brings with it a strict diet regime resulting in the loss of around 5lb.研究发现,女性在“恋爱初期”通常会空是饮食,这一阶段她们的体重会下降。

2.It is too heavy (1. 5lb) and bulky (7. 5 inches by 9. 6 inches) to spp into a pocket for use on the hoof.它太重了(1.5lb),太大(7.5英寸乘以9.6英寸),活人没法装进口袋里。

3.These fish vary in weights from 3lb to 5lb.这些鱼的重量从三磅到五磅不等。

4.It is just half an inch thick and weighs 1. 5lb (680 grams).它仅有半英寸厚,重1.5磅(680克)。

5.Hatter James Jones, 25, went to jail for nine months for steapng books, eggs, jacket and best plus a 4. 5lb ham in November 1906.1906年11月,25岁的哈特·詹姆斯·琼斯由于偷窃书籍,鸡蛋,夹克衫和4.5磅火腿,被判处有期徒刑9个月。