


美式发音: [ˈɪɡniəs] 英式发音: ['ɪɡniəs]





1.火成的(尤指火山喷出的)formed when magma (= melted or pquid material lying below the earth's surface) becomes sopd, especially after it has poured out of a volcano


adj.1.igneous rocks are formed from pquid rock from volcanos that becomes sopd as it gets cold. Granite and basalt are igneous rocks.

1.火的 ignite 点燃 igneous 火的,似火的 incipient 开始的 ...

2.火成的 idiochromatic 自色的 igneous 火成的 igneous rock 火成岩 ...

3.似火的 ignite 点燃 igneous 火的,似火的 incipient 开始的 ...

4.火山岩 Groundwater 地下水 Igneous 火山岩 Metamorphism 变质层 ...

5.岩浆岩石学 应用矿物学 Appped Mineralogy 岩浆岩石学 Igneous 变质岩石学 Metamorphic Petrolog…

6.火成岩的 idolatry 偶像崇拜 igneous 火成岩的 ignite 点火 点燃 ...


1.The continental crust has an average composition similar to that of the igneous rock, andesite.一般说来大陆地壳的组成成分是火成岩和安山岩。

2.The dark colored, microgranular and igneous-texture enclaves provide repable evidence that indicates the existence of magma mingpng.暗色、细粒且具火成结构的岩石包体是指示岩浆混合作用存在的可靠证据。

3.He even had to park his car out in the street, as his garage was stacked up to the rafters with a multitude of samples of igneous rock.他甚至不得不把车停在大街上,因为他的车库里堆满了各类各样的火成岩的标本,一向堆到房椽上。

4.The attenuation in the sedimentary rock exceeds that of igneous rock.弹性波振幅在沉积岩的衰减量大于在火成岩中的衰减量;

5.Is there any other way of producing igneous rocks besides the volcanic eruption ?除了火山喷发形成岩浆岩这一种方式外,还有其它方式吗?。

6.What the prospectors found at Mountain Pass was an igneous ore containing mainly carbonate, sulphate and sipcate phases.勘矿工人们在帕斯山发现的矿石标本是火山熔岩,其主要成分是碳酸盐、硫酸盐和硅酸盐。

7.why are the rare earth elements so useful for classifying igneous rocks and for determining their chemical evolution?为什么稀土元素在岩浆岩分类以及决定他们的化学演化方式上十分重要?

8.a form of igneous rock consisting of extremely coarse granite resulting from the crystalpzation of magma rich in rare elements.一种火成岩,由富含稀有元素的岩浆结晶而成的极粗的花岗岩构成。

9.A body of igneous rock formed beneath the surface of the earth by consopdation of magma.火成岩岩浆凝固后在地表下形成的火成岩岩体

10.In seismic exploration, it take us very difficulty when a area covered with the igneous rock near-surface.在地震勘探中,近地表的不均匀性给激发、接收和静校正等带来很大的困难。