




1.五要素团队的构成五要素5P) 1.目标(Purpose) .目标 2.人(People) . 3.团队的定位 .团队的定位(Place) 4.权限 .权限(Po…

2.五袋式摒除多余的细节,回归到基本五袋式(5P)牛仔裤的设计,采取不夸张的线条,不渲染的水洗,不刻意的细部设计,来建构出新世 …


4.五天自由行广州出发:天宁岛/塞班岛五天自由行(5P)【全程住天宁皇朝酒店】 ¥3680元/人 天宁岛/塞班岛五天两岛游(5I) 【尾一晚住宿塞 …

5.五大要素团队的五大要素5P) 人员(People) 目标(Purpose) 定位(Place) 权限(Power) 计划(Plan) 编辑本段 团队精神与个人发展 自主 …

6.第五章第五章(5P)第四章(7P) 第三集(7P) 第二集(7P) 第一集(6P) 第五集(6P) 第四集(7P) 第三集(8P) 第二集(10P) 第一集(8P) 5(7P)

7.五连败3/31日 巫师胜七六人 结束五连败5P)百炼成仙 作者︰幻雨 (连载中) [仙侠] 凡人修仙传 作者:忘语 (连载中) 返回列表 123456…


1.He gave me a 5p ballpoint pen to prove the point that the Tapban were not against education.他送给了我一支5便士的圆珠笔,以此证明塔利班并不反对教育。

2.If ministers decide to put up taxes, this would equate to an increase of almost 5p on the basic and higher rate of income tax.如果部长们决定提升税率,就等同于将基本税率提高5个百分点和更高的所得税率。

3.Once upon a time, Fiona King was walking to the airport. Her boyfriend will come to Shanghai at 5p. m.很久以前,菲欧娜·金走向机场。她的男朋友会在下午五点抵达上海。

4.The time difference between London and Shenzhen is 8hours. It's 5p. m. now in London.伦敦和深圳的时差是8小时,现在是伦敦时间下午5点。

5.Second, star Barke ingeniously its unique perceptual marketing strategy fusion in marketing method 5P principle, and using management in.星巴克巧妙地将其独特的感性营销策略融合在了营销手段的5P原则,并运用到经营中。

6.I watched as women and children danced and sang their thanks for one sachet of water that costs less than 5p (8 US cents).我看到妇女和儿童为得到一个价值仅5便士(8美分)的水袋而满心欢喜载歌载舞。

7.Companies don't get "penapsed" though do they? ? Any penalty they pay ends up as another 5p on everything we all buy.公司不会“受罚”,是吗?他们交一分钱,我们大家每天买的东西中要多交五分钱。

8.Never mind, said his dad kindly, Here's another 5p for you.“没关系,”爸爸和蔼地说。“我再给你五便士。”

9.As a rough guide it can be generally stated that for each 1p spent on an admixture then approximately 4-5p worth of cement can be saved.作一个粗略的估计,一般说耗用每一磅外加剂,能节省约4-5磅水泥的价值。

10.Our research finds that every single cigarette smoked costs the country 6. 5p.我们的研究发现,人们吸的每一支卷烟使国家损失6.5便士。