



1.Apco will give it a presence in 64 countries, up from 17 now, taking its non-American revenue from 15% of the total to 40%.而收购Apco将让它的业务触手从现在的17个国家伸至64个,让其海外收益从总收益的15%跃至40%。

2.Overall, 64 percent of those polled admitted they did not know a single word in any language other than Engpsh.总体来看,有64%的被调查者承认,除了英语之外,任何一门其他语言他们都是一个字也不认识。

3.Materials and Methods: Images obtained with NTHI from 64 patients were compared with that of fundamental imaging(FI)technique.材料和方法:采用自然组织谐波成像与基波成像(FI)对64例患者的颈动脉硬化斑块进行对比分析。

4.In 64 years there had never been a CEO from a local council -- they were always from the outside -- so I was very sure it was not serious.此前的64年,该组织从未有一个来自地方理事会的CEO,这一领导人选总是来自组织外部。所以,我确定不能把这件事太当真了。

5."He said he would come back with big money, " said Jo Yon Rip, 64, about her twin brother, Jo Gun Min, who disappeared in 1968.赵延立(音)的孪生兄弟赵勤民(音)1968年失踪了。过了日子,军方送来通知说,他已在某地“阵亡”。

6.As far as language implementation is concerned, the current C language standard allows the "long long" data type to be at least 64 bits.在语言实现方面,目前的C语言标准要求“longlong”数据类型至少是64位的。

7.He was 64 and his wish to die at home was one of the few decisions he was able to make in the traumatic year that followed.当时他64岁,此后的几年里他饱尝病痛折磨,而希望在家里离世也是他能做出的为数不多的决定之一。

8.At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk.在这个时候,婴儿能够喝上多达一瓶64磅的牛奶。

9.Overall, 64 per cent of those polled admitted they did not know a single word in any language other than Engpsh.总体而言,有64%的受访者承认,除了英语外,他们不认识其他任何一种语言的哪怕一个单词。

10.In a statement, the Mandarin Oriental said the 64 employees who worked at the property were all safe.文华东方酒店的声明中称其在里面工作的64员工均安然无恙。