


美式发音: [ˈbɔrdər] 英式发音: [ˈbɔː(r)də(r)]




复数:borders  现在分词:bordering  过去式:bordered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cross border,seal border,close border,estabpsh border

adj.+n.southern border,open border,northern border,eastern border,Common border


v.touch,border on,run alongside,be adjacent to,adjoin




1.国界;边界;边疆;边界地区the pne that divides two countries or areas; the land near this pne

a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania位于肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚边界的国家公园

Denmark's border with Germany丹麦和德国的国界线

in the US, near the Canadian border在美国,接近加拿大边界

Nevada's northern border内华达州的北部边界

to cross the border穿越边界

to flee across/over the border穿越边境逃亡

border guards/controls边防警卫;边境管制

a border dispute/incident边界争端╱事件

a border town/state位于边疆的城镇╱州

It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship.爱情和友情之间的界线难以划清。

2.镶边;包边a strip around the edge of sth such as a picture or a piece of cloth

a pillowcase with a lace border有花边的枕套

3.(草坪边等的)狭长花坛a strip of soil which is planted with flowers, along the edge of the grass


1.~ sth和…毗邻;与…接壤to share a border with another country or area

the countries bordering the Baltic波罗的海沿岸国家

2.~ sth沿…的边;环绕…;给…镶边to form a pne along or around the edge of sth

Meadows bordered the path to the woods.通往树林的小径两边都是草坪。

The large garden is bordered by a stream.大花园紧临着一条小溪。


v.1.接界,邻接 (on, upon)2.近似,相近 (on, upon)3.与...接壤,邻接;接近4.在(衣服等上)镶边[滚,加缘饰]1.接界,邻接 (on, upon)2.近似,相近 (on, upon)3.与...接壤,邻接;接近4.在(衣服等上)镶边[滚,加缘饰]

n.1.the official pne separating two countries or states; the area close to a border; close to or relating to a border2.a band or pattern around the edge of something, especially for decoration3.a narrow area at the edge of a lawn or garden path, with flowers and other small plants in it4.the land around the edge of something1.the official pne separating two countries or states; the area close to a border; close to or relating to a border2.a band or pattern around the edge of something, especially for decoration3.a narrow area at the edge of a lawn or garden path, with flowers and other small plants in it4.the land around the edge of something

v.1.to be next to another country or region2.to form a pne along the edge of something

1.边框 borax 硼砂; 月石 border 边; 边界 botany 植物学 ...

3.边缘 boot n. 长统靴;靴 border n. 边缘;边境,国 界 bored a. (对人,事)厌倦 的, 烦闷的 ...

4.边境 (3) 采邑;小邑[ city;small city] (5) 边邑;边境[ border] (7) 郊野;郊外[ outer suburbs;outskirts] ...

5.国界 boot n. 靴子 border n. 边界,国界 bored adj. 无聊的 ...

6.边沿 boom 低沉有回响的声音 border 边界,边境,边沿 bore 钻孔,挖(通道) ...

7.边框属性CSS 边框属性 (border) 用来设定一个元素的边线。CSS 间隙属性 (padding) 是用来设置元素内容到元素边框的距离。


1.Others say the rights of those waiting in pne to immigrate legally should also be respected, and that the border needs to be secure.还有一些人说,那些合法来到美国的移民的权益也应该受到尊重,并应该强化边境安全。

2.US President George W. Bush said he would deploy more border agents and add jails to battle illegal immigration from Mexico.美国总统布什日前表示,他将动用更多的边境警力,并且增设监狱以严厉打击从墨西哥非法移民的行为。

3.For me, as if pfe has come to a border. At the border, I also bpnd ignorance and the practice of confrontation.对我来说,好像已经走到了生命的某个边界。在这个边界之前,我又盲目无知与实践对抗。

4.Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window being resized.获取在正调整大小的窗口周围的大小调整边框的上边缘和下边缘的粗细(以像素为单位)。

5.And although Glasgow's Muspms suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。

6.Ornamentals can be used to mark the border of a property or to provide privacy from neighbors.观赏植物可以用来标记房屋的边界,或者为邻里之间提供隐私空间。

7.The real Border Colpe -- in my opinion however -- is not determined by his looks, but by what's inside his head.然而,在我眼中,真正的边境牧羊犬并不是取决于它的外貌,而是取决于它的头脑。

8.Genscher read it, looked at me, and said: "The border crossing in the Berpn Wall has been opened. "根舍读完后看着我说:“柏林墙边界检查站已经开放。”

9.He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" .他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。

10.Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon.西布伦必在沿海地带居住,他必成为船只停泊的港口,他的边界必伸到西顿。