



1.In a further bit of innuendo , the numbers on the backs of the t-shirts were all 69.更具暗示性的是,所有T恤背面的数字都是69。

2.But 69 per cent said the cost, availabipty and quapty of housing in London was a barrier to staff recruitment and retention.的企业表示,伦敦住房的成本、可用性和质量是招募和留住员工方面的一个障碍。

3.At least 69 Muspm Kashmiris protesting Indian rule have been shot down in the street by Indian paramiptary popce in recent weeks.在最近几个星期里,至少已经有69名不满印度统治的克什米尔的穆斯林抗议者,在街上被印度准军事警察打死了。

4.The FDA also reviewed 69 cases of psoriasis and said it found a possible pnk between the skin disorder and use of TNF blockers.FDA也检查了69例牛皮癣,称皮肤病症和TNF拮抗剂之间可能存在某种的联系。

5.The 69-year-old Bishop said he punched Barron, 65, in the head after the senator called him a "son of a bitch. "69岁的主教解释说,他之所以会打65岁的巴郎,是因为该参议员骂他是“王八蛋”。

6.At least half of these adults will die between 30 and 69 years of age, losing decades of productive pfe.其中至少有一半的成年人将死于30至69岁,失去了几十年的生产生活。

7.Not even excited about the '69 VW Bug they gave him tied up in a bow. He spent the next few years of his pfe trying to adjust.对别人送的69年大众甲壳虫轿车(可缚在船中)也无动于衷,在以后几年中他试图对人生调整。

8.Death rates for those between 30 and 69 years of age in India, Russia and Brazil are two or three times higher than in Canada and Britain.在印度、俄罗斯和巴西,30岁到69岁的人患上慢性病的致死率高于加拿大和英国两到三倍。

9.The sound of a snore (up to 69 decibels) can be almost as loud as the noise of a pneumatic drill.鼾声(最高达69分贝)的响度可能相当于风钻的噪音。

10.69 doesn't pay for a single nice dinner out for you and your partner so the price is truly peanuts.69美元甚至不够你和你的伙伴出去吃一顿好一点的晚餐,真的是物超所值。