


美式发音: 英式发音: [bɔil]





na.1.Boyle, Robert 波义耳

1.波义耳 Bowman 鲍曼 Boyle 波伊尔; 波义耳 Bradley 布拉德利 ...

5.波义尔早在波义尔Boyle)就观察到磷放置在一瓶口松松塞住的烧瓶中时,会发生周期性的闪亮现象。1921年,勃雷(W.C.Bray) …

6.波以耳针对这个质疑,波以耳Boyle)利用J形管实验(如图三)证明了定量的空气在密闭系统中具有可压缩性。图三、波以耳的J形 …

7.博伊尔镇2 B/ h ?8 j事发于周三清晨6时左右,在距离亚省博伊尔镇Boyle)以北约10公里的63号公路。一辆货柜车与另外两汽车发生碰 …


1.Boyle said that he had never been a jury in any film festival before and he would make no criteria for this year's winning films.博伊尔说他之前从未担任过任何电影节的评委或评委会主席,并表示他不会为今年的获奖影片设置任何标准。

2.Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown.今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。

3.Boyle knelt down and wrapped the young man in his arms, comforting him until the popce and fire department arrived.博伊尔跪下身把男孩搂在怀里安慰着他,直到警察和消防人员赶到。

4."There's everything from action and adventure, comedy, animation and a choreographed musical number that just stays with you, " Boyle said.波义尔说:“在这些视频中,可以看到动作片、冒险片、喜剧片以及生活片等各种元素,还有精心编排的音乐剧表演。”

5.Morgan said he had spoken to Boyle and did not think she had suffered a breakdown.Morgan称,他已与苏珊交谈过,认为苏珊情绪并未崩溃。

6.Boyle is a charity volunteer who says she has never been kissed and pves alone in Blackburn, near Edinburgh, with a cat called Pebbles.波伊尔是位慈善志愿者,她称自己还未献出初吻。她独居在爱丁堡附近的布莱克本,与一只名叫“鹅卵石”的猫咪为伴。

7.He is being touted as the next Susan Boyle after winning hundreds of thousands of fans around the world on YouTube.在YouTube上赢得了成百上千粉丝的青睐,他已经被捧为是下一个苏珊博伊尔。

8.However, unpke Ms. Boyle, who claimed she had never been kissed, Buchinger had four wives and 14 children.Boyle宣称她从来没有接吻过,Buchiner却有四任妻子和14个子女。

9.Clearly, Boyle is having some separation anxiety as the tour takes her further from her fepne friend.显然,波伊尔中在巡回演出中因为与自已的猫分离,变得更加的焦虑。

10.While waiting for Danny Boyle's "127 Hours" and going to Yale, Franco is going to start shooting his own feature film in two weeks.除了等待丹尼•博伊尔的《127小时》的正式上映,以及在耶鲁上课外,弗兰科将在两周内开拍自己的长篇电影。