




1.七夹板常用的胶合板为三夹板(3mm)、五夹板(5mm)、七夹板7mm)、 九夹板(9mm)和十二厘板(12mm),胶合板的最 …

2.原厂是七槽 ●最大针幅 7mm Stitch width up to 7mm ●内置滚边,可差动 Built-in rolled hem,diferential feed ...


1.The small size of the measuring cell 7 mm allows it to be fitted in almost any position and even where material strength is low.小尺寸测量元件7mm可以安装在几乎所有位置处,即使在材料强度很低的地方。

2.Plastic Logic's prototype reader, which has a screen about the size of a magazine, is a mere 7mm thick and weighs less than 450 grams.PlasticLogic的雏形的阅读器有着一本杂志大小的屏幕,仅仅只有7毫米厚,重量少于450克。

3.Two color choices in the 7mm and 8mm diameters allow you to use a separate color for each length Prusik in a Tandem Prusik Belay System.两种颜色选择在7毫米和8毫米直径方面的允许你使用分开每种颜色长度于Prusik在串联Prusik稳固点系统。

4.Readjustlnents used in the packaging business card printing and membership card of flexo plate thickness more is 1. 7mm.目前我国用在包装制卡和会员卡制作上的柔性版版材厚度较多的是1.

5.Energetic materials for defense - Safety, vulnerabipty - 12, 7 mm bullet impact test.国防用高能材料.安全性、易损性.12.7mm子弹冲击试验

6.And this time than. in die-cutting, multiple and 6 or CCDs used layer material together.与此相比。在模切时必须多次切割轮廓,并将6或7mm的层料粘在一起。

7.Upper row 7mm high characters indicate count, lower row 4mm high characters indicate the preset value.上排7毫米高字符显示计数,降低排四毫米高字符显示预设值。

8.It should be 40mm in diameter according to contract but the material object is only 39. 7mm in diameter.合同规定的规格是直径40毫米,但是实物只有39.7毫米。

9.Five figure counting head, 7mm high figures.五数字计数头,7毫米高的数字。

10.(measuring) Look, it is only 39. 7mm.(边测量)看,只有39.7毫米。