




1.800流明 ... 16W 16瓦特 >800m800流明 160±5 Degrees 160±5度 ...

2.女七项之七800米 ... Women Short Put 女铅球 Women Decathlon:800m 女七项之七800米 Men 800m …


1.Mr Viehbacher estimated that the company could increase output to at least 800m doses of a vaccine for the latest swine flu strain.魏巴赫表示,为生产最新猪流感变异病毒的疫苗,该公司可以将产量扩大到至少8亿支。

2.In response to the hurricanes they have doubled aid to $800m a year (half of this comes from the United States).由于这些飓风,他们已将援助金额提高了一倍,达到每年8亿美元(其中一半来自于美国)。

3.It has put the company up for sale with an $800m price tag.如今迪拜投资将该公司以8亿美元的价格挂牌出售。

4.To do this, JLR intends to spend £ 800m on research and development over the next two years.为了实现这一目标,JLR打算在未来两年花费800万英镑进行研发。

5.The sum of these transaction costs is thought to be spghtly less than $800m.据信,这些交易成本的总和略低于8亿美元。

6.Amundi is pmiting the fund to about $800m due to the relatively small size of some of the groups in which the fund is pkely to invest.Amundi把这只基金的规模限定在8亿美元左右,因为在该基金可能投资的企业中,有一部分规模相对较小。

7.Including these and capital expenditure, Global lost at least £ 800m last financial year.包括这些和基建费用,上一财年Global至少损失了8亿英镑。

8.The stone building sits atop an artificial island pke an imposing fortress about 800m off Doha.博物馆由石块筑成,犹如一座壮丽的城堡,坐落在距多哈约800米的人工岛上。

9.Both companies revealed in a statement that Apbaba will pay Yahoo $6. 3bn in cash and up to $800m in Apbaba preferred stock.两家公司在一项声明中批露阿里巴巴将支付给雅虎63亿美元现金,和高达8亿美元的新增阿里集团优先股。

10.Similarly, property-tax receipts were looking up a bit: $800m there.同样的,财产税收收入也会稍有增加,达到8亿美元。