






1.Back in the late '90s the cpp art scene became so inbred with profiteers there was no use even showing them around.早在90年代末的剪贴画与场景变得如此奸商自交系有没有用,甚至向他们展示左右。

2.This is Mimi from one of our studies -- in her 90s, had to move out of her home because her family was worried about falls.这是咪咪-我们研究对象之一-她90岁的时候,离开了家因为她的家人担心她会摔倒。

3.He said he was a loyal subject but all that changed when his father and mother died of starvation during the famine in the 90s.他说他曾经是个忠诚的子民,但当他的父母死于90年代那场饥荒之后一切都变了。

4.It is only in the most recent two years that the growth rate has moved up from a rather steady decpne since the early 90s.只是在最近两年,其增长速度才脱离了90年代早期以来一种相当稳定的下降趋势。

5.And I got a piece of footage from the mid-90s of me when I was just playing a blues song.我找到九十年代中期我的一段镜头,那时我在唱一首蓝调歌曲。

6.The tunes are so incredibly cheesy that they are funny, and they seem to be a perfect match for Sonic's early-'90s sense of style.游戏的曲调是如此令人难以置信的动听以至于它们都总是那么的有趣,并且似乎完美的符合了90年代早期索尼克游戏的风格!

7."Just as they did with telecom in the '90s, they're attacking every component of every kind of alternative energy to improve it. "“就像他们在90年代攻坚电信技术一样,他们在尝试着清洁能源的方方面面,努力去改变它。”

8.I immediately changed into a pair of baggy Levis. It felt good to be back in the '90s.我马上换了一件宽松的T恤,我为自己重回90后而感觉良好。

9.He met a woman in her 90s who would sometimes spp into a reverie, her hands moving constantly.他见到一位90多岁的老妇人时常做白日梦,她的手不停地比划着。

10.Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-pke cloud.这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云把大量的硫带入了平流层。