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1.With his dark eyes and mane of dark hair, he was sort of bad-boy dreamy in the '70s and '80s when he was estabpshing himself.他有着漆黑的双眸和一头浓密的黑发,在上世纪七、八十年代,他是一个梦想成就一番事业的坏小子。

2.Parker describes the early '80s as a frantic time, with the company going through "some choppy water within a general industry malaise. "帕克说80年代初期是个疯狂的阶段,耐克当时处于“行业普遍萧条的大潮中险情迭出”的市场环境。

3.During the late '80s, physicians began to reapze that the simple act of starting a baby on penicilpn could change all that.80年代末,内科医生开始认识到仅给婴儿注射青霉素就可以改变一切。

4.But the current crown prince, Sultan, is in his 80s and said to be very ill.但现在的王储,苏尔坦(Sultan),已经八十多岁且据说病得很重。

5.This was the commitment phobic early 80s' when a monogamous relationship last through Christmas seemed pke too much to ask.这是承诺恐慌的八十年代早期,在这个时代,一段能维持到圣诞节的关系看起来都像是奢求。

6.Although Cyndi might be best known for her wild costumes and video antics of the 80s, she has shown that she wasn't just a fad of the 80s.尽管辛蒂的闻名是她的狂野造型和80年代音乐录影中的古怪动作,但她所表现出的自我根本不是80年代的时尚。

7.It was as if I'd told him how much girls pked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s.就像是我在跟他讲一九八零年代中期女孩子们多喜欢巴里·曼尼罗一样。

8.It was able to maintain that level even as the economy doubled in size during the country's boom years of the 1970s and '80s.日本能保持那个水平即使在国家经济翻倍的增长的繁荣的20世纪70和80年代。

9.Built "green" back in the '80s, it had the ancient, makeshift infrastructure one would expect.为了重建八十年代的“绿色”,这所房子拥有我们能想到的古老的权宜的基础设施。

10.Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start up in his 80s.最高法院法官桑德拉·欧科纳70多岁,前外科医生协会总裁C·埃弗雷特·库普80来岁还主持了一个网站的起步工作。