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1.罗兰 ROTARY 罗他来 489. ROLAND 罗兰得 490. SINEX 星那司 491. ...

7.罗兰电鼓郑州市罗兰电鼓Roland)电鼓培训中心,采用日本罗兰电鼓顶级专业数学设备及数字音乐教学系统,并引进国外先进的爵士 …

8.梁奕伦主持人梁奕伦Roland)早前远赴马来西亚拍摄节目,Roland趁空闲到当地旅游,一尝当地美食,没想到外形纤瘦的Roland, …


1.Roland had sown wild oats? Bink had never imagined such a thing. He remained silent, afraid of what was coming.罗兰也种过野生燕麦?宾克从来没有想过这件事。他继续保持沉默,好像担心接下来的事情。

2.As they are staking the man, Roland's data tracking device reveals that the cardholder is not the consul. It's his wife, Lisa Tabak.在跟踪他的进程中,从罗兰德的设备发现到原来持卡人不是埃罗,而是他老婆莉莎。坦巴克。

3.Roland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him.Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。

4.For undergraduate students of engineering and economics, Roland has always been a popular choice.对于工程学和经济学的本科生来说,曼罗兰一直是一个热门的选择。

5.Janel blamed his preschool for his early troubles, but Roland said he thought he and Janel had also played a part.吉娜因为比利的前期麻烦而谴责学前教育,但是罗兰说他认为他和吉娜都是其中重要的角色。

6.The French Open championship on the clay courts of Roland Garros is still the only Grand Slam title to have stayed beyond his grasp.在罗兰加洛红土球场举办的法国公开赛,迄今仍是他满桌大满贯赛冠军杯中唯一的遗憾。

7.That will have been Roland. He said he'd be back at.那一定是罗兰。他说七点钟回来。

8.Roland Chambers, in his new book, investigates Ransome's pfe in these years as he trod the shadowy border between journapsm and espionage.RolandChambers在他的新书中调查了Ransome那些年的生活,发现他曾混迹于记者和间谍两道。

9.Roman? Roland said that every person buried in the bottom of my heart has a memory of the island, never to open.罗曼?罗兰说,每个人的心底都有一座埋藏记忆的小岛,永不向人打开。

10.His father was a maths teacher who went off the rails: young Roland once had to borrow money to bail him out of jail.原为数学教师的父亲走上了歧途。小小年纪的弗莱尔就必须靠借债去监狱赎父。