

while:[英 [waɪl] 美 [hwaɪl, waɪl] ]


过去式:whiled;   过去分词:whiled;   现在分词:whiling;   复数形式:whiles;

while 基本解释

连词而; 虽然; 在…期间; 与…同时


及物动词消磨,打发(时间); (愉快而懒散地)度过(时间)(常与 away 连用)

while 相关词组


1. once in a while : 偶尔;

2. after a while : 过了一会儿;

3. all the while : 一直, 始终;

while 相关例句


1. while

1. They while away many afternoons on the beach.



1. while的意思

1. Wait a while.



1. while的近义词

1. Write while I dictate.



2. While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.


3. We must strike while the iron is hot.


while 情景对话


A:Do you think I should join the basketball team, Mary?


B:Why not? If I were you, I certainly would.


A:But I’m afraid it’ll take up too much of my time.


B:As the saying goes:Work while you work, play while play. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know?


A:Hmm, you’re right.


Turning in-(上床睡觉)


A:I guess Ill turn in, Bob. Its been a long day.



B:Ive got a chapter to read for tomorrow, so Ill be up for a while yet.Ill turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed.

我还有一章要读完,这是明天的功课,所以我要等一会儿再睡。 在我上床以前我会关掉暖气和锁上门的。

A:Okay. What time are you getting up tomorrow?


B:Oh, the usual time. No, wait a minute.Make sure Im up before you go to work, will you? Ive got a quiz at ten. It wouldnt hurt to read over my notes.


A:Ill try, but when seven oclock comes around, dont forget you asked me to wake you.


B:Good night, Joe.


Waking Someone Up-(叫醒某人)

A:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up? and get out of bed.


B:Do I have to get up now?


A:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.


B:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.

你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢?

A:Yes, it did. It went off? 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it?. You’re like a dead person while you sleep.


B:I must have slept right through it.


A:Rise and shine?! Sleepyhead!



B:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.



A:The early bird gets the worm?.


B:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms.


A:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you.

哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰

while 网络解释

1. 循环语句:程序语言中,当型循环结构由当型循环语句(While)表示. 程序语言中,直到型循环结构由直到型循环语句(Until)表示.

2. while的近义词

2. 循环:提供函数定义,函数调用,条件语句(if/else if/else),循环(while)语句,标准循环(for)语句遍历(for in)语句,多路分支(switch/case)语句,支持复杂表达式

3. 同时:计算机为消费者提供诸多方便的同时(while),也给商家带来很多优势. 电子收款机能做之事远不止简单记录销售额(ring up sales). 它们可进行各种各样的记录,包括什么人卖了什么,何时卖的,卖给谁了. 这些信息使商人们通过了解并显示出销售出哪些商品,

while 双语例句

1. while

1. We reevaluated the effectof neostigmine on postoperative nausea and vomiting while consideringthe different anticholinergics as potentially confounding factors.


2. Muriel, Benjamin, and all the sheep, with Snowball at the head of them, rushed forward and prodded and butted the men from every side, while Benjamin turned around and lashed at them with his small hoofs.


3. The main body of the crowd was soon dispersed by the po li ce, while the few dozen girls inside were forcibly ejected by Pockmarked li and his bul li es


4. Objective To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of using AO/ASIF collar-bone hook nickelclad while carring out ORIF operation to TossyⅡ type acromioclavicular dislocation and NeerⅠ type distal end of collar bone fracture.

目的 观察应用AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板对TossyⅡ型肩锁关节脱位和NeerⅠ型锁骨远端骨折进行切开复位固定手术的治疗效果。

5. Bai Juyi appears to be gentle and quiet, while in fact he is full of contradictions inside himself.


6. A black man shouted an ethnic slur while trying to steal a 16-year-old Jewish school girl's purse in Crown Heights yesterday, police reported.


7. On a recent Saturday, while Buss was inside the elevator, it jolted to a stop between the first and second floors.


8. ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled.

结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。

9. while

9. Some people waste food while others haven't enough to eat.


10. Some people waste food while others haven`t enough.


11. while的翻译

11. While pancake baked, Fang Xian-fu cloth, to rush towards a go.


12. The public do not hesitate to give feedback while journalists continue to strive to do better and remain open to criticisms.


13. The result analysis shows that the small amount element will be determined lower than its real amount, while the majority element will be determined much higher.


14. If you say Yiyue Yiri, instead of Zhengyue Chuyi, most people would mistake it as 1st of January (We get used to expressing Gregorian calendar by Arabic numerals while expressing Yinli by Chinese numerals).


15. While the collective noun used to describe the funds may be relatively new, the funds themselves often are not.


16. while什么意思

16. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products. High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.


17. while的解释

17. Constitutionally independent, he must grapple with the pending prosecution of scores of former paramilitary bosses and drug lords, while probing hundreds of claims that soldiers have killed civilians and supervising the digging up of some 30, 000 clandestine graves, as well as investigating common crime.


18. SEM was used to observe its surface structure, while IR spectrum indicated that the polymer membrane has COOH and NH3+ functional groups and displays character of the amphoteric ion.


19. It is a big drill ground while going to school front door, installed 6 basketball baskets on the drill ground with 4 ping-pong sets.


20. While having hot food, it is not a bad idea to get some chilling drink from its USB fridge.


while 词典解释


Usually pronounced /'waɪl/ for meaning 4. The form whilst is also used in formal or literary English, especially British English. 义项4在句中通常为重读。正式及文学语言中亦使用词形whilst(尤见于英国英语)。

1. (表示两件事同时发生)当…的时候,在…时

If something happens while something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time.

e.g. They were grinning and watching while one man laughed and poured beer over the head of another...


e.g. I sat on the settee to unwrap the package while he stood by...


2. (表示某一件事是在另一件事发生过程中的某一时间点发生的)当…的时候,在…时

If something happens while something else happens, the first thing happens at some point during the time that the second thing is happening.


e.g. The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York...


e.g. Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.


3. 却;但是;然而

You use while at the beginning of a clause to introduce information which contrasts with information in the main clause.

e.g. Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons, while Howard was in favour of a typically English look...


e.g. The first two services are free, while the third costs £35.00.


4. 虽然;尽管

You use while, before making a statement, in order to introduce information that partly conflicts with your statement.


e.g. While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large...


e.g. While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand...




2. 一段时间;一会儿

A while is a period of time.

e.g. They walked on in silence for a while...


e.g. He was married a little while ago...


3. 不断;一直;始终

You use all the while in order to say that something happens continually or that it happens throughout the time when something else is happening.

e.g. All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.


4. once in a while -> see once

worth your while -> see worth

相关词组:while away

while 单语例句

1. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

2. The liberal use of business expenses for personal enjoyment is also corrupt, while being good for the Macao gaming industry.

3. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

4. And while game consoles aren't going away, analysts are skeptical that the business will regain its former stature soon.

5. While continuing the model's inherited luxurious and stylish design language, the business edition offers a larger interior to meet the specific demands of Chinese customers.

6. The official language of Tajikistan is Tajik while Russian is widely spoken in business and for government purposes.

7. Qin also reiterated that foreign Internet operators should respect Chinese law while doing business in the country.

8. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

9. While Chinese machine tool producers are looking to gain international presence, leading global groups are also seeking business opportunities in China.

10. Six are former officials at local sports lottery administrative centres, while the others were a private business man and his five partners.

while 英英释义



1. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition

e.g. he was here for a little while

I need to rest for a piece

a spell of good weather

a patch of bad weather

Synonym: piecespellpatch