

waste:[英 [weɪst] 美 [west] ]


过去式:wasted;   过去分词:wasted;   现在分词:wasting;

waste 基本解释


名词浪费,白费,挥霍钱财; 废料,废品,废物; 荒地,荒芜; 消耗(量),损耗

及物/不及物动词浪费; 徒劳; (使)损耗; (使)消瘦

及物动词破坏; 干掉; (游戏或比赛中)大胜

形容词废弃的, 无用的, 荒芜的

waste 同义词


动词rubbishdregsspendgarbagerefuseuse upsquanderexhaustconsume


waste 反义词



waste 相关词组


1. go to waste : 浪费掉, 白费;

waste 相关例句


1. He was wasted by disease.


2. waste的解释

2. Long dry periods wasted the land.



1. Turn the water off. Don't let it waste.



1. waste

1. The city was burnt to a desolate waste.



2. A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river.


waste 情景对话


A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .



B:But that costs more .


A:But you will get less waste from this .



B:We‘ll try it once .



A:The last order didn‘t work out too well for us


B:What was wrong?


A:We were developing too much waste .


B:I suggest you go up to our next higher price level.



A:Wow, I love those jeans! Are they designer jeans?



B:I don’t know. My mother just gave them to me.



A:Let me see. These are really expensive jeans! Your mother must really love you.


B:I guess. I don’t really like designer clothes though. I don’t know why people spend so much money on a piece of clothing. The money could be spent in a much better way.


A:Well, if you decide you don’t want them, let me know. I’m sure I could find someone who would like to wear them.


B:Do you have a lot of brand name clothes?



A:I wouldn’t wear anything that wasn’t a brand name.



B:Really? You must spend a lot of money on clothing then.


A:I do, but I think it’s worth it. People treat you differently when you have nice clothing on.


B:Do you think that’s true?



A:Sure. Pay attention as you walk down the street in those jeans. People will be looking.


B:I don’t believe it. I think designer clothing is a complete waste of money. Especially when you can’t afford it!



A:To each their own, I guess!


waste 网络解释

1. waste

1. 废料:高科技还需要废料(Waste). 说的好乱,但是其实游戏中的产业链也确实错综复杂,少了任何原料,就会导致成本过高,然后企业破产倒闭. 在加上,不同的工业类型需要不同的人群,所以作为市长,就真的需要小心翼翼,纵观全局. 哦. 对了.

waste 双语例句

1. waste的翻译

1. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you.


2. Coordinates the health and safety program and activities and plant security, environmental and hazardous waste activities.


3. Some people waste food while others haven't enough to eat.


4. waste什么意思

4. Some people waste food while others haven`t enough.


5. Don't waste my time anymore.


6. Before we appraisal the courses of the military classes effectively, the resource of education could not be used very well. It usually leads to the waste of teaching hours and the detrition of equipments.


7. YuBei distrit have a synthetically treatment engineering on the lake:Establishe the sewage system along the shore to collecte the waste water; Arrange plant decontamination bed to make the rainwater clean; Whole cure the lake gulf and plant the shore to protect the waterbody; pure the lake`s bottom, implement dredging engineering; Arrange deep water aerate and circulation equipments which can make the water flow; Put the fish fry into the lake to protecte waterbody.


8. waste

8. Korea by the end of 2006 from the introduction of food waste treatment method of atomic core technology, and aviation maintenance Jilin limited liability company, successfully developed the HM Series food waste processor systems, and obtain the environmental protection department, quality inspection department of the certification, as China industry-leading products.


9. Research Areas Include, but are not exclusive to: resource quality, quantity and sustainability; economics of environmental management; transport and fate of pollutants in the environment; spill prevention and management; remediation of contaminated sites; process modification for pollution prevention; improved energy efficiency and waste treatment and disposal etc.



10. ObjectiveTo explore how to decrease blood rejection and blood waste after offering with qualified blood.


11. The article introduces method of direct measuring chromium in high concentration leather waste water, through comparing with analyzing result of origanal experimental method.


12. Don`t waste time capturing wing pawns at the expense of development.


13. Only when we completely eliminate the five Yin elements from our moral character, support the virtues of the five Yang elements comprehensively, and enhance the characters of Five De in the internal environment totally can we ensure that the energy of Five De is fully absorbed into the body without barrier and waste.


14. Now the waste, enough to install a trolley full of frightening.



15. Fast pyrolysis of cotton and polypropylene, which are typical components of medical waste, was performed in a pipe stove at 600~900℃ under a N2 atmosphere.



16. It is not only sea life that is poisoned when waste from the land enters the rivers and seas.


17. waste的反义词

17. So he made an oath against them, to put an end to them in the waste land

106:26 所以,他对他们起誓,必叫他们倒在旷野

18. waste是什么意思

18. And the Lord said to Aaron, Go into the waste land and you will see Moses.

4:27 耶和华对亚伦说,你往旷野去迎接摩西。

19. But with most of them God was not pleased: for they came to their end in the waste land.

10:5 但他们中间、多半是神不喜欢的人,所以在旷野倒毙。

20. Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Chemical Engineering Journal Waste activated sludge hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation in the presence of SDBS in semi-continuous flow reactors: Effect of solids retention time and temperature a b s t r a c t: In the presence of surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, the effects of sludge retention time and temperature on the hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation during waste activated sludge anaerobic fermentation were investigated in semi-continuous flow reactors.


waste 词典解释

1. 浪费;白费

If you waste something such as time, money, or energy, you use too much of it doing something that is not important or necessary, or is unlikely to succeed.

e.g. There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them...


e.g. I resolved not to waste money on a hotel...


2. 浪费;滥用;糟蹋

Waste is the use of money or other resources on things that do not need it.

e.g. The packets are measured to reduce waste...


e.g. I hate waste.


3. 废物;废料

Waste is material which has been used and is no longer wanted, for example because the valuable or useful part of it has been taken out.


e.g. Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste...


e.g. Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK.


4. 错过(机会)

If you waste an opportunity for something, you do not take advantage of it when it is available.

e.g. Let's not waste an opportunity to see the children...


e.g. It was a wasted opportunity.


5. (因不被接受、理解等而)浪费(建议等);使徒劳无益

If you say that something is wasted on someone, you mean that there is no point giving it or telling it to them as they will not appreciate, understand, or pay any attention to it.


e.g. All the well-meant, sincere advice is largely wasted on him.


6. (尤指市内或市郊的土地)荒芜的,荒废的

Waste land is land, especially in or near a city, which is not used or looked after by anyone, and so is covered by wild plants and rubbish.

e.g. There was a patch of waste land behind the church...


e.g. Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground.


7. 荒漠;沙漠

Wastes are a large area of land, for example a desert, in which there are very few people, plants, or animals.

e.g. ...the barren wastes of the Sahara.


8. see also: wasted

9. 被浪费;被糟蹋掉

If something goes to waste, it remains unused or has to be thrown away.


e.g. So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film...


e.g. Mexican cookery is economical, she says. Nothing goes to waste.


10. 摧毁;把…变为荒地

If something or someone lays waste an area or town or lays waste to it, they completely destroy it.

e.g. The war has laid waste large regions of the countryside.


e.g. ...cities laid waste by the decline of traditional industries...


11. 勤俭节约,吃穿不缺

The expression waste not, want not means that if you do not use too much of something now you will have some left later when you need it.

e.g. ...a nation that prides itself on its 'waste not, want not' thrift and its environmental conscience.


12. to waste your breath -> see breath

to waste no time -> see time

相关词组:waste away

waste 单语例句

1. A media war on waste is being launched in Beijing with the help of the general public.

2. An intensive industrial layout that focuses on business conglomerates will form and waste water, gas and solid discharges by chemical fertilizer enterprises will be controlled and recycled.

3. An environmentalist in Shanghai is seeking business partners to educate people about green issues and form enterprises that dispose of waste safely.

4. " But I'm not going to waste money like I did before, " Yu said.

5. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.

6. There is a pressing need for effective waste reduction by means of a garbage disposal fee.

7. This kind of county competition is by no means the new growth point for China, because it causes waste and enlarges the risks and costs of these industries.

8. A river near World Heritage site Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is being polluted by thousands of tons of waste being dumped directly into the river.

9. Do not argue with me about how to calculate the amount of waste and pollution, and how to project their growth in a given period.

10. Calculation of Green GDP will include what costs should be paid for choking smog, poisoned rivers and toxic waste in the course of China's impressive economic growth.

waste 英英释义


1. useless or profitless activity

using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly

e.g. if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste

mindless dissipation of natural resources

Synonym: wastefulnessdissipation

2. (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect

Synonym: permissive waste

3. the trait of wasting resources

e.g. a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste

the wastefulness of missed opportunities

Synonym: thriftlessnesswastefulness

4. an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation

e.g. the barrens of central Africa

the trackless wastes of the desert

Synonym: barrenwasteland

5. any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted

e.g. they collect the waste once a week

much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers

Synonym: waste materialwaste matterwaste product


1. become physically weaker

e.g. Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world

Synonym: rot

2. cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

e.g. The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

Synonym: lay waste todevastatedesolateravagescourge

3. cause to grow thin or weak

e.g. The treatment emaciated him

Synonym: emaciatemacerate

4. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief

e.g. After her husband died, she just pined away

Synonym: pine awaylanguish

5. spend extravagantly

e.g. waste not, want not

Synonym: consumesquanderware

6. use inefficiently or inappropriately

e.g. waste heat

waste a joke on an unappreciative audience

7. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing

e.g. The mafia liquidated the informer

the double agent was neutralized

Synonym: neutralizeneutraliseliquidateknock offdo in

8. run off as waste

e.g. The water wastes back into the ocean

Synonym: run off

9. get rid of

e.g. We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer

10. spend thoughtlessly

throw away

e.g. He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends

You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree

Synonym: blowsquander


1. located in a dismal or remote area


e.g. a desert island

a godforsaken wilderness crossroads

a wild stretch of land

waste places

Synonym: godforsakenwild