

modesty:[英 [ˈmɒdəsti] 美 [ˈmɑ:dəsti] ]



modesty 基本解释

名词端庄; 谦虚,谦逊; 稳重; 朴实,质朴

modesty 反义词


modesty 相关例句


1. modesty的近义词

1. What we like the most about the great man is his modesty.


2. modesty的翻译

2. The modesty of their home belies their great wealth.


3. Her modesty prevented her from making her real feelings known to him.


4. modesty什么意思

4. Modesty helps one to go forward.


5. Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.


modesty 网络解释

1. 谦逊:中国学者顾曰国根据中国的历史文化背景和中国人日常交际的特点,提出了汉语言文化交流中四个方面的礼貌特征,即尊重(respectfulness),谦逊(modesty),态度热情(attitudinalwarmth)和文雅( re中英称谓语的礼貌原则对比

2. 谦虚:谦虚(Modesty):故意低估自己的良好品质、成就和贡献. 恳求(Supplication):向他人表达自己的不足与依赖,引起他人同情. 恫吓(Intimidation):用威胁的方法使他人接受自己的观点. 逢迎(Ingratiation):说他人喜欢的话,俗称拍马屁.

3. modesty

3. 摩黛丝提 拉丁 谦虚的人:Miriam 蜜莉恩 希伯來 憂傷;苦難之洋. | Modesty 摩黛絲提 拉丁 謙虛的人. | Moira 茉伊拉 希臘 命運.

4. 摩黛丝提......谦虚的人:Miriam 蜜莉恩......忧伤 苦难之洋 | Modesty 摩黛丝提......谦虚的人 | Moira 茉伊拉......命运

modesty 双语例句

1. modesty的近义词

1. Adopting the attitude of modesty study, xiao Yan duplicated to share a file, read rewards and punishment of draw together of this collar for a horse, into duty, leave one's post the internal rules system that waits inside.


2. The colleagues that went through the early days of Ogilvy China might still remember the hard times and challenges. It is good to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we should always embrace modesty in ourselves.



3. The colleagues that went through the early days of OgilvyChina might still remember the hard times and challenges. It isgood to recall the past. We are never the newly-rich, so we shouldalways embrace modesty in ourselves.


4. They are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim.


5. The politeness principle consists of tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim.


6. Leech divides it into six maxims: tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim. Cooperative principle and politeness principle are the two major principles of pragmatics.


7. Modesty is one of China`s traditional forms of etiquette.


8. modesty的翻译

8. This paper tires make a contrastive study of politeness principle to see the difference of English and Chinese culture. On the contrast of the Address term Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Tact Maxim, and Sympathy Maxim, we could have a good insight into the differences of culture between English and Chinese.


9. As a die-hard 冰粉, I will give you the benefit of doubt.哈哈, you know what, your coy modesty is so amusing.

现在才觉得这个littlepebble 才是该被砸,叽叽歪歪半天说不出个P来,公子,以后谁敢砸你我送他去见佛主!

10. Therefore, let them find satisfaction in what contributes to priestly modesty; let them act with kindness and respect both in public and in private, towards prelates and other distinguished persons who come to the Roman curia; and let them undertake with grace and generosity the business committed to them by ourself and our successors.


11. modesty的近义词

11. Common modesty is found in the Sacred Scriptures, it is true, but never prudery or a false sense of shame.


12. Phroneo {fron-eh'-o} from 5424; TDNT - 9:220, 1277; v AV - think 5, regard 4, mind 3, be minded 3, savour 2, be of the same mind + 8462, be like minded + 8462, misc 8; 291 to have understanding, be wise 2 to feel, to think 2a to have an opinion of one's self, think of one's self, to be modest, not let one's opinion of himself exceed the bounds of modesty 2b to think or judge what one's opinion is 2c to be of the same mind i. e. agreed together, cherish the same views, be harmonious 3 to direct one's mind to a thing, to seek, to strive for 3a to seek one's interest or advantage 3b to be of one's party, side with him in public affairs

相关经文回前一页 5426 phroneo {fron-eh'-o}源自5424; TDNT - 9:220,1277;动词钦定本- think 5,regard 4,mind 3,be minded 3,savour 2,be of the same mind + 846 2,be like minded + 846 2,misc 8; 29 1 能够理解,成为聪明 2 感受,思想 2a 对人的自我有一种见解,思想自己,适度的,不让自己对本身的看法超过适度的界线 2b 去思想或去判断一个人看法 2c 有相同的心思,亦即:互相赞同,同享相同的观点,和协地 3 将人的心思引导至某件事上,寻求,尽力去得著 3a 寻求自己的利益或优势 3b 与某人同党,与他同站一边在公众事物上

13. Truth is a refuge from blizzards of ignorance. Compassion puts out the flames of hate. Charity wards off torrents of greed. Modesty flattens mountains of arrogance.

01/13 真理能阻挡愚痴的邪风;柔和能消灭瞋怒的烈火;喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流;谦虚能铲除骄慢的高山。

14. We only need one layer of modesty panel. The self print panel at CF is what we mean by modesty panel.

大致应该是这样:我们在前中位置需要一个MODESTY PANEL,就是本身印花拼块就是我们所说的MODESTY PANEL。

15. The self print panel at CF is what we mean by modesty panel.


16. After going back, he immediately requested Dong Wu to teach him the way of modesty.


17. With temperance comes modesty, something that is not one of my personal best qualities.



18. So many people frequently get help, obviously not for a short time, nine, with soft iron ye2 windflowers, when the jiqing in nine innings midgame headstrong mai syndrome due to wade into the dragon, not when the implication of virtual, iron, personally to comfort them, to oneself of jiyang soft: can it, just in critical: can save a life, also help he completed the mission of nine, so ye, iron windflowers, talent is an indispensable for friends, assistant, river with soft iron windflowers house just is very clear, the characteristics of dragons, no place in the capture of the head, but honest attitude of enjoyment, modesty, refer to all directions, dark hall can be protected.


19. I'd like to tell you all about my success but modesty forbids.


20. Modesty is the only sure baid when you angle for praise.


modesty 词典解释

1. 谦虚;谦逊;谦恭

Someone who shows modesty does not talk much about their abilities or achievements.

e.g. His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself...


e.g. He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modesty.


2. (地方)小;(数量等)少,有限

You can refer to the modesty of something such as a place or amount when it is fairly small.

e.g. The modesty of the town itself comes as something of a surprise.


e.g. ...the modesty of their prices.


3. (尤指女性的)端庄,庄重

If someone, especially a woman, shows modesty, they are cautious about the way they dress and behave because they are aware that other people may view them in a sexual way.


e.g. There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.


modesty 单语例句

1. She is featured covering her modesty with her hands alongside a caption which reads, " Protect the skin you're in ".

2. It may sound like modesty, but it actually says a lot for the truth.

3. Chinese consider modesty an essential virtue, and often prefer suffering quietly to speaking out for their rights or voicing their grievances.

4. While other divas in the regional Chinese pop scene may get by with peddling insouciance, she is known for her modesty and friendliness.

5. Another thing admirable about the Chinese is their culture of modesty and frugality.

6. She described the distribution and publication of the materials a malicious attack on her personality, a gross outrage of her modesty and a gross invasion of her privacy.

7. Politely refusing two or three times is thought to reflect modesty and humility.

8. The modesty Xi accentuated testifies to the same longing for world peace at the core of contemporary Chinese foreign policies.

9. But some complained that Mori was not sufficiently representative of Japan, where meekness and modesty have long been qualities valued in women.

10. The coach's serious mien and calm persona appear to be bringing dividends, as is a touch of modesty.

modesty的反义词modesty 英英释义


1. formality and propriety of manner

Synonym: reserve

2. freedom from vanity or conceit

Synonym: modestness