

exploit:[英 [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] 美 [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] ]


过去式:exploited;   过去分词:exploited;   现在分词:exploiting;

exploit 基本解释

及物动词开拓; 剥削; 开采; 利用(…为自己谋利)

名词功绩; 功劳; 勋绩

exploit 相关例句


1. We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy.


2. They are exploiting the oil under the sea.


3. exploit什么意思

3. He is accused of exploiting child labor.



1. Their heroic exploits will go down in history.


2. exploit

2. He performed many daring exploits.


exploit 双语例句

1. exploit

1. In 2002, Tsaban and Vishne introduced the notation of linear transformation shift registers to exploit word-oriented operations for LFSRs.


2. exploit

2. After 55 minutes at Goodison, I could not see how Manchester United could win the title; everything turned on that mistake but United had to have the ability to exploit it.


3. The main purpose of this paper is to study the design and exploit of the game-oriented education software.


4. exploit的意思

4. There are four characters that can be found in this process. Firstly, it is a struggle within the political system. In other words, tenants admit the hierarchical rights of ruling class, but reject excess exploit. Secondly, the resistance has various ways, and law is a frequent resort too. Thirdly, collective resistance comes to be the most common form, wealthy peasants always act as organizers and leaders. Fourthly, tenants` resistance processes exhibits obvious different theme of demands in all phrases. Before mid and latter of 14 century, most requirements aim to reject duty beyond custom; while after, mainly to strive for cutting down the rents and tallage.



5. Producing high-quality para-aminophenol by hydrogenation lays the foundation for producing high-quality raw medicine of paracetamol. The construction of the project will be beneficial to exploit the market of first-grade products both at home and abroad and will certainly lead to a revolutionary change in domestic production of paracetamol.


6. exploit是什么意思

6. Such a market position brings inevitable temptation to exploit it.


7. Cards without security codes (or CVV2 numbers) are harder to exploit, and are usually cheaper.


8. In the course of water flooding, the water quality will directly affect oil field exploit.


9. exploit什么意思

9. But all exploit thedifference between the market price of a business and its intrinsic value.


10. It is a good chance for to Exploit and further China Coffee Markets.

匿名 您好,非常感谢您对国际咖啡节的大力支持。


11. The interaction between microorganisms and minerals can facilitate the process of exogenic biogeochemical reaction, which is one of the important research contents in exogenic geochemistryMicrobes and their geological effects were summarized, and a variety of microbial weathering phenomena toward carbonate rocks, especially on different microcosmic scales, were analyzedThe products and mechanisms of weathering of carbonate rocks by microbes were also expoundedThe authors put forward four microbial weathering mechanisms of carbonate rocks:(1)microorganisms grow on rock surface or in crevices, which will result in biocorrosion, bioerosion, and boring, and will accelerate rock decomposition and weathering; (2)boring meshes produced by microbial colony could increase the efficient superficial area of chemical denudation of rocks, and could lead to the intensification of rock surface weathering to promote mechanical erosion, and the microbial destruction and loosing of cementation structure of rock particles would also accelerate the decomposition of mineral particles; (3)rock weathering can be intensified by the effects of microbial waterkeeping, acidification of organic acids secreted by microorganisms and the release of CO2 induced by microbial respiration onto rock surface; (4)microorganisms uptake nutrition from rock surface to produce complicated organic ligands and promote the release of mineral elements in the growing process of microorganismsFinally, how to carry on the studies of the microbial weathering of carbonate rocks was proposedThe authors suggest to comprehensively exploit local lowgrade mineral resources which contain potassium and phosphate and to accelerate soil formation and evolution in karst regions by using microbial technology.


12. Recently as the continuous growth of the sweetening agent and CBS accelerating agent and the exploit of new application, the demands and production of the cyclohexylamine takes on rapid growing tendency.


13. Kill him we can get first exploit!


14. exploit的解释

14. More than anything else, the United States'ability to draw in and exploit the world's most valuable human capital has been responsible for its ascent to economic, military, technological preeminence.


15. The exploit ZIP already include superuser from CyanogenMod to combine with initial exploit that provides a /system/bin/su from AOSP, allowing user to use root from adb shell.


16. In this case, the main user of titanium oxide was forced to exploit the substitute item to reduces the cost.


17. Five novel torsion-mirror optical actuators including double-beam thickness differential structure with single torsional axis, double flexible folded-beam structure with single torsional axis, double-beam vertical torsion comb structure with single torsion axis, four-beam differential compound-micromirror structure with double torsional axis and the combined structure of the four basis forms above, are brought forward. All of these devices could be fabricated by the same silicon micromachining process we have developed. The deformation compensation design with local enhancement for the thin torsional beam which is the key structure of these devices is also put forward to improve the reliability. The three-dimension solid model and two-dimension reduced order model of the torsion-mirror optical actuator are established and then the numerical simulations for evaluating the device characteristics of the statics, dynamics, electrostatic field, mechanical and electrostatic coupling, fluid and solid coupling are carried out to optimize the structure design. Furthermore, three optical fibre clamping structures which could be integrated monolithicly are designed and analyzed to improve the optical coupling capability. 4. Three flexible process flows combined with bulk silicon micromachining and surface silicon micromachining are brought forward to fabricate these novel single-crystal silicon or polysilicon torsion-mirror optical actuators by using the same lithography masks for both SOI wafer and regular silicon wafer. A series of important process experiments are carried out to optimize the process parameters and the process flows. Some novel and typical process phenomena which occurred during the microfabrication are analyzed and then the corresponding solutions are put forward. 5. A MEMS dynamic testing system which exploit blur image synthetic technique, stroboscopic image matching technique, stroboscopic mirau microscopic interferometry technique and microscopic laser dopper vibrometer technique is set up to measure three-dimension and six-freedom micro motions of any MEMS devices with nanometer resolution.

在对硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的光机电特性系统地理论研究的基础上提出了硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的结构设计准则。3、提出了单轴双梁厚度差分结构、单轴双柔性折叠梁结构、单轴双梁垂直扭转梳齿结构、双轴四梁差动复合微镜结构以及以上四种基本结构组合后的衍生结构等五种工艺加工技术兼容的新型的硅微机械扭转镜光致动器,对器件关键结构薄厚度、高耐疲劳扭转梁进行了局部加强的变形补偿设计,建立了器件的三维实体模型以及两维降阶模型,对提出的新结构硅微机械扭转镜光致动器进行了系统的静力学、动力学、静电场、力电耦合和流体固体耦合的建模仿真与优化设计,同时设计并分析了三种可实现单芯片集成的弹性光纤定位夹紧结构。4、提出了组合体硅微加工技术与表面硅微加工技术、兼容同一套光刻版图、可分别基于SOI 晶片和普通Si 晶片、适应于制造提出的各种新结构单晶硅和多晶硅硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的三套柔性加工工艺流程,开展了一系列重要工艺步骤的单项工艺试验,对工艺流程与工艺参数进行了优化,针对加工过程中出现的具有普遍意义的典型工艺问题进行了讨论和分析,并提出了解决方法。5、创新性地将模糊图像合成技术、频闪图像匹配技术、频闪Mirau 显微干涉技术与显微激光多普勒测振技术有机结合,建立起了一套周期运动测量与瞬态运动测量相结合、单点运动测量与全视场运动测量相结合、满足不同MEMS 器件各种动态测试要求的集成的MEMS 三维六自由度微运动精密测量系统。

18. exploit

18. Based on the curriculum theory, the concept and immanency of curricular resource are introduced, and three ways to exploit and develop curriculum are advocated:amplifying the core role of P. E.



19. As our country doesn`t have many good marble reserves, Hezhou`s white marble plays an important role in Guangxi and southeast of China. It is rich in reserves, good in quality and easy to exploit.


20. We have established two companies in UK and in China respectively to exploit the huge opportunities across the world, and both have secured the capital and policy support from local government. The company has an excellent international management team.


exploit 词典解释The verb is pronounced /ɪk'splɔɪt/. The noun is pronounced /'eksplɔɪt/. 动词读作 /ɪk'splɔɪt/。名词读作 /'eksplɔɪt/。

1. 压榨;剥削;占…的便宜

If you say that someone is exploiting you, you think that they are treating you unfairly by using your work or ideas and giving you very little in return.

e.g. Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.


e.g. ...the plight of the exploited sugar cane workers.



Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.


2. 利用;乘(机)

If you say that someone is exploiting a situation, you disapprove of them because they are using it to gain an advantage for themselves, rather than trying to help other people or do what is right.

e.g. The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.



...the exploitation of the famine by local politicians.


3. 充分运用;发挥

If you exploit something, you use it well, and achieve something or gain an advantage from it.


e.g. You'll need a good aerial to exploit the radio's performance...


e.g. Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe...


4. 开采;开发;利用

To exploit resources or raw materials means to develop them and use them for industry or commercial activities.


e.g. I think we're being very short sighted in not exploiting our own coal.



...the planned exploitation of its potential oil and natural gas reserves.


5. 英勇行为;功绩;有趣的行为

If you refer to someone's exploits, you mean the brave, interesting, or amusing things that they have done.

e.g. His wartime exploits were later made into a film.


exploit 单语例句

1. We act in strict compliance with the authorization, and exploit digital copies of the works in a reasonable and legal manner.

2. " The policy is designed to activate more real estate deals and exploit the market's potential, " said Qin.

3. Its milestone document on " harmonious society " has a specific line calling to " exploit the positive functions of religions in promoting social harmony ".

4. Experts say developing Xinjiang's rail capacity will make it easier to exploit its massive stores of energy resources.

5. It also rejected incitement calls made by some outlawed groups and other popular parties seeking to exploit youths to serve their " chaos agendas ".

6. They believe the DPP administration will exploit the bill to achieve their primary aim of separating the island province from China.

7. It seems people have used professionalism more to exploit the commercial value of soccer and less to raise the level of the game.

8. The economic globalization has favored multinational firms that are well positioned to exploit comparative advantages of different regions around the world.

9. They use the power and speed of the computer to exploit very small differences in price.

10. Conservative critics said the deal allowed one of the world's richest cities to exploit a lesser developed country and handed a propaganda coup to Chavez.

exploit 英英释义


1. a notable achievement

e.g. he performed a great feat

the book was her finest effort

Synonym: feateffort



1. use or manipulate to one's advantage

e.g. He exploit the new taxation system

She knows how to work the system

he works his parents for sympathy

Synonym: work

2. draw from

make good use of

e.g. we must exploit the resources we are given wisely

Synonym: tap

3. work excessively hard

e.g. he is exploiting the students

Synonym: overwork