

heading:[英 [ˈhedɪŋ] 美 [ˈhɛdɪŋ] ]



heading 基本解释


名词标题,题名; 信头; [航]航向; 斩首


heading 相关例句



1. What heading does the subject on the common share of information resources come under?


heading 网络解释

1. heading的翻译

1. 顶球:顶球(heading)是足球特有的技术,也是其他运动所没有的,不论是传球、射门或解围,都常会运用到头顶. 「头顶球」的技术强调以前额顶球,或以额侧顶球,因为只有用这两个部位顶出的球才会准确有力. 用头顶球时亦不能闭上眼睛,

2. 标目:2.标目(heading) 横标目要按时间前后或数量大小和事情的重要性等顺序排列,纵标目有单位的要注明单位. 注意标目的层次要清楚,不要太多、太复杂.


3. 头球:你需要将它与较高的头球(Heading)属性结合. 如果你想打长传球战术或频繁传中的战术,你必须确保你的球员善于弹跳. 如果有高弹跳值的球员勇敢和侵略性也很高,让他们进行凶狠的铲断以真正统治对手.

4. 航向:使用该软件的导航系统,能够实时测量载体的经度(Longitude)、纬度(Latitude)、速度(Velocity)、航向(Heading)、俯仰(Pitch)、横滚(Roll)等参数,具有导航可靠性高、设备费用低、实时性强等特点,其导航精度能满足城市车辆导航的要求.

heading 双语例句

1. At present, as the severe domestic competition in India market and the quickly rising of China market, more and more Indian software companies are heading to China to set up their subsidiaries, aiming to share a piece of cut in this world's largest cake.


2. We're heading to Shimei Bay for the first time this season! Should be at leasthead-high.


3. heading的反义词

3. What could beat putting an esky and a couple of boogie boards in the boot of the car and heading down to the beach?


4. When heading into unprecedented territory, the best way to stay on


5. Now he's the league MVP and his team is heading to the NBA Finals.


6. The Incredible String Band began doing straight folk before heading off into experimental folk, then folk rock and finally in other musical directions.


7. Habacuc. Many critics treat the whole chapter as a late and independent poem, with no allusions to the circumstances of Habacuc's time, and still bearing in its liturgical heading and musical directions vv.


8. The thesis of heading language is made up of the statistics on manner, time phrase and moment title.


9. heading

9. This model is used to dynamically simulate the water-integrated relation between the roots and shoots of winter wheat and the simulation reveals that the relation is linear at the tillering stage, no matter how much water there is in 0~1.0 m soil; the relation is mutually contributive at first and then mutually inhibitory at the booting stage, no matter how much water there is; and at the heading stage, the shoots promote the roots where soil water is sufficient and the shoots first promote and then inhibit the roots where soil water is deficit.


10. heading

10. He lives by the narrow dirt road outside Yumu Village, and everybody heading for the village passes his house.


11. But Denver stepped up its defense and rebounding while outscoring the Lakers 16-10 to trail 81-80 heading into the final 12 minutes.


12. 15AM We're on the ground inCupertino, waiting outside for the big show to start. Hang tight, we'llbe heading to our seats momentarily!

30AM 我们现在已经在门口了,而且不用我说大家也应该能猜到这里所有的人都在争着进到会场内部。

13. That country is heading toward grave economic problems.


14. heading

14. Though young, the supply chain management industry in China is heading into vigorous precipitous growth.


15. heading在线翻译

15. SSNM increased efficient and high efficient LAI rates at the heading stage, dry matter accumulation from heading to maturity stage, ratio of root to shoot, photosynthetic rate in flag leaves after heading stage and light transmission rate in rice population at the full heading stage.


16. After a period of preparation, we are finally heading to Japan


17. Stop him heading home from one of his weekly treks into the bush, bow and arrow sling loose over his shoulder, you would typically find him laden with up to 110 lbs. of illegal meat.


18. Fanned to white heat, the fire line suddenly burst into a wall of flame, heading directly toward them.


19. Researchers from Dalhousie University examined dozens of sites, from the Channel Islands off France to Death Valley. They say that well before dinosaurs or, really, much of anything roamed the Earth, rivers were just vast expanses of water heeding only gravity and heading straight to sea.


20. I'm afraid the company is heading for a smash.


heading 词典解释

1. 标题;题目

A heading is the title of a piece of writing, which is written or printed at the top of the page.


e.g. ...helpful chapter headings.


heading 单语例句

1. Analysts had widely expected the move following business indicators suggesting the economy could be heading for an even deeper recession than most people had predicted.

2. Chow also advised the school heads that travelers should buy medical insurance before heading out.

3. The official says Saturday's accident took place when a speeding truck heading to Ismailia located 120 km east of Cairo crashed against the minibus.

4. Some movies may be canceled or the time schedule rearranged, so please call the cinema before heading out to avoid disappointment.

5. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

6. Local TV channel reports said that some prominent political leaders were stopped from boarding flights heading for the capital Islamabad.

7. The activist reports couldn't be independently verified, as the journalists are banned from heading to restive areas.

8. But the 1986 PGA champion caught fire heading into the turn, carding birdies on seven of his final 10 holes.

9. Olmert would remain in office until a new premier is chosen, heading a caretaker government after he submits his resignation to President Shimon Peres.

10. He is hardly the only tech industry insider cashing in to minimize his financial risk in case the value of private companies starts heading down.

heading 英英释义


1. a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine

e.g. they dug a drift parallel with the vein

Synonym: driftgallery

2. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about

e.g. the heading seemed to have little to do with the text

Synonym: headerhead

3. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies

Synonym: bearingaim