

arbitrage:[英 [ˈɑ:bɪtrɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈɑ:rbətrɑ:ʒ] ]


过去式:arbitraged;   过去分词:arbitraged;   现在分词:arbitraging;   复数形式:arbitrages;

arbitrage 基本解释

名词&动词仲裁; 套汇,套利

arbitrage 网络解释

1. arbitrage的反义词

1. 套利:在嘉吉公司大豆货物装船运往中国的数周时间里,霍斯特位于上海的团队就利用大连商交所的期货合约 波动的价格进行保险或实施对冲──通过大连和芝加哥之间的价差进行获利,这一操作被称 套利(arbitrage).

2. 套戥:现时郘卖水货在香港是非法的,但其实在金融市场上,套戥(ARBITRAGE)是相当普遍的投资技巧,这种活动与郘卖水货的原则如出一辙,打个比喻,伦敦港股与香港港股呈现有利可图的价差时,便会出现套戥,两者最终的价格会变得相当接近.

3. 套汇:在国际金融市场上,套汇(Arbitrage)是指利用不同市场的汇率差异,在汇率低的市场大量买进,同时在汇率高的市场卖出,利用贱买贵卖,套取投机利润的活动. 就方式而言,分为两角套汇、三角套汇和时间套汇. (注:参见刘舒年主编:(修订版),

4. arbitrage什么意思

4. 套利交易:交易(Exchange)不是信息密集化的市场的价值最主要的来源,相反,价值越来越集中在不同的专家群当中. 这些专家往往关注于包装(Packaging)、标准制定(Standard Setting)、套利交易(Arbitrage)以及信息管理(Information Management)等方面的工作.

arbitrage 双语例句

1. The authorities pointed out that the valuation of the new deal will not lead to the emergence of reverse arbitrage opportunities.


2. arbitrage的翻译

2. The decline in inflation is still limited, or in accordance with the current method of calculating the fair value for the valuation of the fund, so there is no question of the so-called reverse arbitrage.


3. Therefore, we believe that the introduction of margin trading and securities lending market will help lay a solid foundation for stable operation of the internal and improve the market mechanism, and the short features will help reverse stock index futures arbitrage, from China Long-term development of the capital market point of view, is an extremely important financial innovation.


4. arbitrage

4. Therefore, we believe that the introduction of margin financing is conducive to lay a solid foundation for stable operation of the internal market based on sound market operation mechanism, and its short features in favor of the reverse stock index futures arbitrage, from China long-term development of the capital market point of view, is an extremely important financial innovations.


5. There is no margin business, arbitrage will not be able to engage in arbitrage reverse phase, may increase the pricing error.


6. Firstly, in the view of the characteristics of our stock and futures market, considering the original deposit, marketale impact cost, incomplete replicate index, through the method of duplicating index stock cash flow, it developed the our arbitrage model between futures and the corresponding stocks in our country from the forward arbitrage strategy and the reverse arbitrage strategy.


7. Whenever Charlie and I buy common stocks for Berkshire's insurance companies (leaving aside arbitrage purchases, discussed later) we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business. We look at the economic prospects of the business, the people in charge of running it, and the price we must pay. We do not have in mind any time or price for sale. Indeed, we are willing to hold a stock indefinitely so long as we expect the business to increase in intrinsic value at a satisfactory rate. When investing, we view ourselves as business analysts - not as market analysts, not as macroeconomic analysts, and not even as security analysts.

每当查理跟我为 Berkshire 旗下的保险公司买进股票(扣除套利交易,后面会再详述),我们采取的态度就好象是我们买下的是一家私人企业一样,我们着重于这家公司的经济前景、经营阶层以及我们支付的价格,我们从来就没有考虑再把这些股份卖出,相反地只要能够预期这家公司的价值能够稳定地增加,我们愿意无限期地持有这些股份,在投资时我们从不把自己当作是市场的分析师、总体经济分析师或是证券分析师,而是企业的分析师。

8. arbitrage

8. Arbitrage is a usual transaction behavior in order to make profits. It is the possibility of riskless profits.


9. Further, based on the market, high prices and low exchange rate arbitrage portfolio characteristics to build a very significant earnings momentum.


10. arbitrage

10. Further, based on the market, the characteristics of high and low exchange rate arbitrage portfolio constructed with a very significant earnings momentum.


11. Bond; interest rate; arbitrage; portfolio



12. This is maybe partly because macroeconomic textbooks jump from totally controlled capital movements to full global interest rate arbitrage from one page to the next.


13. According to China`s currency net R007 latest interest rate is 2.8800%, 7 future interest at the rate of about 0.06 percent, while the two-day income arbitrage 0.19% of risk-free rate of return of about 0.13% in this large capital or very attractive.


14. arbitrage在线翻译

14. Finally the investment in the course of convertible bond investment is studied. There is evidence that the market behavior of convertible bonds is much better than the stocks and bonds. Owing to the inconsistency of the price change between the stock and the convertible bond, by analyzing the change of conversion premium rate, the arbitrage can be realized in incomplete market. But investors must bear the price risk due to the trade system.


15. Cross rate, arbitrage rate


16. Boo hoo. I'm all for arbitrage, but you have to make sure you don't get caught: 4 - Dont allow banned accounts to be reinstated Never had an account banned so I can't say much about this. If it really is a zero-tolerance policy then it's not necessarily a bad thing - although accounts that are wrongly banned for suspicious activity should be reactivated once the mistake is discovered. Google will only get better at detecting fraud though, so the number of false positives should decrease. 3 - They're everywhere A testament to its simplicity and ease of use.

- 不许套利很多人觉得,使用AdSense交叉牟利并不违反AdSense的许可政策,其实很多人都在做这样的事情,关键在于你要保证自己不会被抓住:4 -不允许禁用帐号重新申请如果AdSense真的是零容忍政策,那不一定是坏事,虽然帐户因为可疑活动被误封,在错误被发现后应该允许重新激活,Google只能优化欺诈检测系统,这样误封的可能性才会减少。

17. State`s land resources management strengthened, and effective way to avoid the occupation of land by virtue of social relations in order to short-term real estate for the purpose of arbitrage violations, reducing the financial risk society.


18. arbitrage是什么意思

18. The paper concerns on the index replication problem after arbitrage opportunity are owned, and then a mathematical model is established to aim at minimizing tracking error.


19. During future-spot arbitrage analysis, two different types of index replication method including industry stratified sampling and ETF portfolio replication are investigated.


20. arbitrage是什么意思

20. But the time value is not actually decay within the time passing - oppositely, it may follow the underlying raising. Some time value of in-the-money options might be negative, and it may cause some chance to arbitrage. Also it shows that people who forecast the underlying get the bullish or bearish tendency instead of following the log-normal distribution.


arbitrage 词典解释

1. 套利;套汇;套购

In finance, arbitrage is the activity of buying shares or currency in one financial market and selling it at a profit in another.

arbitrage 单语例句

1. Schwartz said he doesn't short sell a stock or do arbitrage.

2. In contrast to the tight money conditions among domestic banks, more liquidity from overseas is entering China seeking arbitrage from the discrepancies of interest rates.

3. It is also assessing the special challenges to tax revenues which come from arbitrage of national corporate tax rules made possible by financial innovation.

4. Guppy said the whole saga of the Disney speculation created perfect opportunities for arbitrage, where investors can take opportunities between price differentials between markets.

5. The Shanghai Futures Exchange is set to start zinc trading late this month, in its latest move to provide more hedging and arbitrage tools to domestic industries.

6. He also noted the possibility of creating derivative instruments for trading in both markets with an arbitrage mechanism to equalize prices.

7. Arbitrage is the practice of buying and selling the same security or asset in different markets to capture a profit on the price difference.

8. China launched a crackdown on speculative and arbitrage capital from overseas beginning in February to safeguard the country's economic and financial stability.

9. But money market experts said the rate difference will lead to little arbitrage and few speculative opportunities.

10. Arbitrage traders try to profit by buying metal in London and selling it in Shanghai, exploiting a gap in prices.

arbitrage在线翻译arbitrage 英英释义


1. a kind of hedged investment meant to capture slight differences in price

when there is a difference in the price of something on two different markets the arbitrageur simultaneously buys at the lower price and sells at the higher price


1. practice arbitrage, as in the stock market