

rung:[英 [rʌŋ] 美 [rʌŋ] ]



rung 基本解释

名词阶梯,梯级; (地位等的上升)一级; (椅子等)横档

动词把…圈起来( ring的过去分词)


rung 相关例句


1. Hard work and long hours are rungs in the ladder of success.


rung 网络解释

1. 梯级:respectively 分别地 | rung 梯级 | scattering effect 散射作用

2. 梯蹬:Runes equation 朗内斯方程 | rung 梯蹬 | running away form the water 脱水

3. 地位:runelike 古文字 | rung 地位 | runic 古北欧文字

4. rung

4. 梯的横木;梯级;舵轮辐:rung 舵轮轮辐梯的横木 | rung 梯的横木;梯级;舵轮辐 | rung 梯极

rung 双语例句

1. rung的翻译

1. In many places, both in England and France, the curfew bell is still rung, and we note that not only is it rung at a relatively late hour, varying from 8 to 10, but that the actual peal lasts in most cases for a notable period of time, being prolonged for a hundred strokes or more.



2. Programmed interfaces can completely resolve this issue, since alarm bells can be rung as soon as an API breakage occurs.


3. Programmed interfaces can completely resolve this issue, since alarm bells can be rung as soon as an API breakage o ccurs.


4. But on this particular morning, Zeb noticed that Brewster's bell had not rung at all!


5. rung的意思

5. You can try to give him to buy walking shoes will be rung for Aberdeen, he felt walking shoes Aberdeen will ring, children fun, are generally preferred.


6. There is no permanent set to the rung and no damage to the ladder.



7. However, they are lower on the rung of other freshwater predators such as pike, muskie, lake trout, and chinook salmon.


8. He is not an independent figure in the judicial system but is only the lowest rung in the ladder of judicial power which has been fully restored and, as that woman told me, no one can imagine it today in a different way.


9. Getting stuck in the preciousness of the experience, you hang tight to the first rung of the ladder and run the grave risk of missing a thousand other possibilities.


10. Aldrin:Okay. I'm going to leave that one foot up there and both hands down to about the fourth rung up.


11. The recombinant UNG was purified from cell extracts of E. coli DH5α harboring pBV-ung. The fractions with UNG activity were obtained from total proteins by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. Compared with the native UNG, the recombinant protein had similar molecular weight.


12. rung

12. If I had known your phone number, I would have rung you.


13. If I had known his telephone number, I would have rung him up.


14. I would have rung you up if I had known your phone number.


15. This is the fourth time she's rung you in a week.


16. I have always liked reading, and I know in the long rung it will help me with my career.


17. This is the fourth time that she has rung you today.


18. This is the fourth time she has rung you this week.


19. In bestiality, I felt as though I had neared the bottom rung on the ladder of relative beauties.


20. rung什么意思

20. That would have rung a bell with some of Brazil`s foreign investors in more recent times, from Daniel K.

这段故事对于最近几次的在巴西投资的部分外商可能是一个警钟,从Daniel K。

rung 词典解释


2. 梯级;横档

The rungs on a ladder are the wooden or metal bars that form the steps.

e.g. I swung myself onto the ladder and felt for the next rung.


3. (事业、组织、进程中的)级别,等级,地位

If you reach a particular rung in your career, in an organization, or in a process, you reach that level in it.

e.g. I first worked with him in 1971 when we were both on the lowest rung of our careers...


e.g. There has never been a better time to get on the first rung of the property ladder.


rung 单语例句

1. I immediately called the family who had rung several times, getting frantic after seeing the TV news of cars submerged by flood waters.

2. The secret in scaling that corporate ladder is to move up one rung at a time so that you can manage each step effectively.

3. He is old school, a chef who started from the bottom rung as the lowliest kitchen apprentice.

4. These include operational ones like paying the high staff and infrastructure costs required to remain in the very top rung of restaurants.

5. Situ's works mostly portray the life of people at the bottom rung of the social ladder and are thought provoking.

6. While the Internet has proven a valuable source of information and means of entertainment, its side effect has also rung alarm bells.

7. Most women tend to date or marry men who are one rung higher on the talent ladder.

8. Xia says her work is to serve people who are on the bottom rung of society and are without power.

9. We have had so many people passing through London who have rung us and said they would like to do it.

10. Singaporean newspaper The Straits Times compared the enlarging and strengthening of the EAS to " having another rung on a safety ladder ".

rung的意思rung 英英释义


1. one of the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder

Synonym: rundlespoke

2. a crosspiece between the legs of a chair

Synonym: roundstave