

thrash:[英 [θræʃ] 美 [θræʃ] ]


过去式:thrashed;   过去分词:thrashed;   现在分词:thrashing;

thrash 基本解释


及物动词打(谷等)使脱粒; 猛烈摆动; (用棍、鞭等)痛打,责打; 彻底打败

不及物动词打谷,脱粒; 猛烈摆动; 拍打; 徒劳地努力,白忙

名词打谷; 拍打; [泳](自由式用脚,手)打水; [航]逆行


thrash 相关例句


1. thrash

1. The patient thrashed about in bed.



2. They thrashed the matter without reaching a conclusion.


3. thrash的近义词

3. She would never thrash her children.



4. Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.



1. thrash什么意思

1. The pickpocket was thrashing around in an attempt to get free.


thrash 网络解释

1. thrash的意思

1. 颠簸:系统需要在内存和页交换文件之间复制页面的频率越高,硬盘颠簸(thrash)得越厉害,系统运行得也越慢. (颠簸是指操作系统把所有的时间都花在在页面文件和内存之间交换数据上,导致没有时间运行程序. )通过给计算机添加更多的内存,


2. 鞭挞金属 ):Synth Pop( 合成器流行乐 ) | Thrash( 鞭挞金属 ) | Trip-Hop(神游舞曲 )

3. 打:thrash out 研究解决 | thrash 打 | thrasher 鸫鸟之类

thrash 双语例句

1. Thrash means to beat soundly, thresh to beat out, e. g.


2. I just know that they play some kind of punk or thrash metal.


3. thrash

3. How can you enjoy listening to thrash metal when wearing earplugs?


4. Master your skills of spin and power play as you thrash the opponents and win the coveted Championship....


5. But it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, and the after punishment grew a mere thing to laugh at. The curate might set as many chapters as he pleased for Catherine to get by heart, and Joseph might thrash Heathcliff till his arm ached


6. Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the __1__.


7. Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda.


8. A: Let's thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda.


9. Let's thrash the whole subject out.


10. thrash的意思

10. Let us thrash the whole subject out.


11. So let the battered old willow thrash against the windowpanes and the house timbers creak.

那么 就让那棵老歪柳迎风依傍着玻璃窗就让房子里的旧木板吱呀作响。


12. The curate might set as many chapters as he pleased for Catherine to get by heart, and Joseph might thrash Heathcliff till his arm ached; they forgot everything the minute they were together again: at least the minute they had contrived some naughty plan of revenge; and many a time I've cried to myself to watch them growing more reckless daily, and I not daring to speak a syllable, for fear of losing the small power I still retained over the unfriended creatures.


13. Bargaining starts at 4 am every morning, and tourists are advised to wear rubber boots, as water sloshes everywhere as still live fish thrash about in their tanks.


14. The ladder-shaped public connection of thrash pipe union is welded with exit port of wessel or paste pot, or the ladder-shaped public connection is weldde with steel tube port with relevant diameter.



15. He bush, of course, yanked the Devil inside and began to thrash him with all


16. If John won't tell, we shall have to thrash the truth out of him.


17. Or thrash out their views of what should be done with such satrapies as Afghanistan and Iraq?



18. Hmm… Julie`s Dagger is looking up from here, but it`s still no contest when taken up against the Thrash Blade.

怎么样。。。Julie`s Dagger有不少进步了,但还是比不上Thrash Blade。

19. thrash的意思

19. When it falls, the legs of the horse thrash


20. It would get so dark that it looked all blue-black outside, and lovely; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that the trees off a little ways looked dim and spiderwebby; and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves; and then a perfect ripper of a gust would follow along and set the branches to tossing their arms as if they was just wild; and next, when it was just about the bluest and blackest -- FST!


thrash 词典解释

1. (在比赛、竞赛中)轻松击败,以大比分战胜

If one player or team thrashes another in a game or contest, they defeat them easily or by a large score.


e.g. Second-placed Rangers thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil.

排名第二的流浪者队以 5: 0 大胜圣约翰斯通队。

2. (作为惩罚)连续击打,接连殴打,痛打

If you thrash someone, you hit them several times as a punishment.

e.g. 'Liar!' Sarah screamed, as she thrashed the child. 'You stole it.'


3. 猛烈摆动;翻来覆去;剧烈扭动(四肢)

If someone thrashes about, or thrashes their arms or legs about, they move in a wild or violent way, often hitting against something. You can also say that someone's arms or legs thrash about .

e.g. Many of the crew died a terrible death as they thrashed about in shark-infested waters...


e.g. ...dreams so vivid that I thrash inside my sleeping bag and cry out...


4. 连续击打;猛烈抽打

If a person or thing thrashes something, or thrashes at something, they hit it continually in a violent or noisy way.

e.g. ...a magnificent paddle-steamer on the mighty Mississippi, her huge wheel thrashing the muddy water...


e.g. Three shaggy-haired men thrash tunelessly at their guitars.

3 个头发蓬乱的男人没腔没调地乱弹着吉他。

5. 派对;聚会

A thrash is a party.


e.g. Harry always invited Charlie when he threw a thrash in his office.


6. see also: thrashing

相关词组:thrash out

thrash 单语例句

1. I like to pretend my hairbrush is a microphone and that I'm a pop star being adored by thousands as I thrash my shiny mane.

2. He said it was up to others to thrash out format details but that he " relished " the chance to make his case to the people.

3. Anecdotal evidence also points to the potential health hazards of thrash rock, the paper says.

4. The two sides will have to thrash out the details of the action plan.

5. Thrash Metal Night at 13 Club on Feb 26 will highlight the city's guitar heroes Violence Pretender and Rampant.

6. At the Thrash party, many Houston women showed up with their daughters.

7. Even if there are differences between the US and China over human rights, the global economic downturn is hardly the time to thrash them out.

8. But bringing it into the limelight might push related authorities to thrash it out early.

9. To thrash yourself because you have had an occasional drink is not healthy or rational.

10. It seems they did not thrash the poor kid because they hated him.

thrashthrash 英英释义


1. a swimming kick used while treading water


1. beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight

e.g. We licked the other team on Sunday!

Synonym: creambatclobberdrublick

2. give a thrashing to

beat hard

Synonym: threshlamflail

3. beat the seeds out of a grain

Synonym: thresh

4. move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation

e.g. The system is thrashing again!

5. beat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at all

6. move or stir about violently

e.g. The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

Synonym: convulsethreshthresh aboutthrash aboutslashtossjactitate

7. dance the slam dance

Synonym: slam danceslammosh