

leeway:[英 [ˈli:weɪ] 美 [ˈliˌwe] ]


leeway 基本解释

名词余地; (航行由于强风所致的)偏航; 时间损失,落后; 风压差,风压角


leeway 网络解释

1. 风压差,余地:8. elector college 美国选举总统的选举团 | 9. leeway 风压差,余地 | 10. for all practical purpose 事实上,实际

2. 横漂;风压:leeway angle 漂角 | leeway 横漂;风压 | left derivative 左导数

leeway 双语例句

1. The train was late, and we had an hour's leeway to make up.


2. She`s been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up.


3. leeway的意思

3. He`s got a lot of leeway to make up in his studies after his illness.


4. She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up.


5. leeway的解释

5. We must make up quite a lot of leeway if we're to finish the job on schedule.


6. Laura has been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up.


7. leeway的翻译

7. For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway.


8. Modest liberal reforms—especially lowering marginal tax rates and tariffs and giving some leeway to manufacturers—spurred an increase in growth to 5.6 percent.


9. A managed float would provide the PBoC most leeway to conduct independent monetary policy.



10. So you`ve got quite a lot of leeway, I guess.


11. I'd give myself some leeway if I were you.


12. However, there can be some leeway found in between it all.


13. We have much leeway to fetch up.


14. There is no leeway at this point.


15. His not be unsuccessful hind be ashamed at seeing a person, he just does not think any appealing to leave his opportunity, he should force himself in a hopeless situation that does not have leeway, launch the fight of a with oneself park deathtrap have a youthful look.


16. leeway在线翻译

16. The leeway bearing 12 is a four-point ball internal tooth bearing. The leeway drive 13 is run by the two planet gear boxes with motor drive. In addition, a set of initiative leeway brake system is installed in the wind turbine.


17. Director Heo's specialties-his craft in slowing down time, giving leeway for thoughts and the taciturnity of characters, soars in this movie.



18. I was working in factory workshop, initially, then statisticians to trade in order, follow up and production, the reception guests check goods, and the work is very complex, factory, it is divided into many process workshop, first is single, here need some negotiation skills, to another good accounting cost (including the rent, hydropower, workers and management personnel salary, equipment, raw materials, and loss of depreciation, packaging, transport and all expenses) and then add at least five percent of the profits, best quotation slightly higher, when the leeway, but don't slip away.


19. In 2006 promulgates the new accounting standards, have developed accounting personnels'choice space, needs it when accountant processing must follow fairly, the fair market rule, the balance all quarters benefit performs the accurate judgment, if cannot grasp the choice space which well the accounting system leaves leeway, not only does not favor enhances the accounting information the quality, on the contrary will also reduce the accounting information because of the accounting information choice space existence the quality.


20. 1St, no matter your stature height, the choice and the knee Chinese dress must be much lither than the length and the instep, also gives the attractive shoe more displays leeway.


leeway 词典解释

1. 自由;自由空间;回旋余地

Leeway is the freedom that someone has to take the action they want to or to change their plans.


e.g. Rarely do schoolteachers have leeway to teach classes the way they want...


e.g. The President said that he wanted to give states more leeway to pursue their own health-care reforms.


2. (需要弥补的)失去时间,落后差距

If you have leeway to make up, you have to work hard because you do not have much time to reach a particular goal.

e.g. He just could not make up the leeway from the earlier stages in which Ryan scored well.


leeway 单语例句leeway在线翻译

1. A translator for diplomatic occasions does not have the leeway to change Kundera into Dostoyevsky.

2. Usually, the central bank would give a leeway of a few decimal points.

3. The White House recently agreed to expanded drone strikes to give the CIA and the military greater leeway to target militant leaders.

4. Director Elia Kazan must have been enamored with the young actor to grant him this kind of leeway.

5. Economists say Beijing's strong finances and low debt give it leeway to spend still more to reverse the economic slump.

6. The central bank has given commercial lenders more leeway by removing the upper limit on the floating range in which they can charge lending rates.

7. " We've left policy leeway and can put forward new stimulus policies at any time, " the premier said.

8. When major moves were taken to reshuffle governmental agencies in 1999, some former government employees found their leeway in public institutions.

9. In dealing with the conflict, both sides have left leeway for resuming peace talks.

10. But Zhang said the slowdown this year was partly due to government intervention, as a more moderated pace would allow leeway for China to shift its growth model.

leeway的解释leeway 英英释义



1. a permissible difference

allowing some freedom to move within limits

Synonym: allowancemargintolerance

2. (of a ship or plane) sideways drift