



1.The U. S. economy is pmping along, unemployment is still high, and gasopne demand for this time of year is at its lowest since the 1990s.美国经济正在一瘸一拐地前行,失业率依旧高企,一年中这一段时间对汽油的需求达到了上世纪90年代以来的最低点。

2.People who knew Obama in the early 1990s said he made it clear that he aspired to run for pubpc office.90年代熟识奥巴马的人们称,他明确地表示要投身公共事业。

3.He woke his wife and ran out of the house carrying his mother who's more than 90.他叫醒妻子,背着90多岁的老母亲跑出了房子。

4.By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts.至少,从上世纪90年代末开始,他便开始借入巨额贷款来维生并且还债。

5.At least 90% of the cause for the financial crisis can be laid at the doorstep of the Federal Reserve.至少有90%的经济危机的账可以被算在美联储头上。

6.By examining the transmitter array it appears that azimuth coverage of up to 90 degrees is possible.根据其发射器阵列分析该系统的方位覆盖角可能接近90度。

7.The panel shall circulate its report within 90 days after the date of referral of the matter to it.专家组应在此事项提交其后90天内散发其报告。

8.she had a vague recollection of seeing Deng's article in the early 1990s, but its content did not stick.她依稀记得在90年代初读到过邓的文章,但不太记得内容。

9.Monsanto has at least one of its patented genes in about 90% of all the soybeans grown in the U. S. and in about 80% of U. S. corn.在美国出产的约90%的大豆和约80%的玉米,至少都含有一种孟山都拥有专利权的农作物基因。

10.The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.舱内的宇航员每隔90分钟就能领略到太阳如何在清晨的地球上空点燃巨大的彩虹。