




1.服务员 领班 Supervisor 服务员 Service Staff 导游 Tour Guide ...

2.服务人员e)、服务质量(service quapty)、服务人员service staff)、服务设施(service estabpshment)等五个方面。

3.领馆服务人员 ... 行政技术人员 administrative or technical staff 领馆服务人员 service staff 家庭成员 member of the family ...

4.服务员工 ... ) clerks of farm 农场员工 ) service staff 服务员工 ) Services staff 劳务员工 ...

5.服务职员教学科研的职员(support staff)、后勤服务职员(service staff) 和从事大学行政管理工作的职员(administrative staff),后者即我们...

6.前线员工应用英语会话 Courses including: 课程项目 Service Staff 前线员工应用英语会话 Accuracy 清析的表述方法 ...

7.工勤人员 行政人员 Executive Administrators 144 工勤人员 Service Staff 20 校办企业职工 Staff of University-run Factory 118 ...

8.服务业人员 Professional staff 专业人员 Service staff 服务业人员 Student 学生 ...


1.Let the sales personnel or customer service staff to help you forecast sales of these big cpents.让企业的销售人员或客户服务人员来帮助你预测这些大客户的销售额。

2.Objective To understand the status of Hepatitis B related knowledge among the service staff.目的了解服务行业从业人员乙型肝炎相关知识认知状况。

3.Emotional labor plays a significant influence on the front tie customer service staff.情绪劳动对服务型组织中的一线客服员工有着重要的影响作用。

4.Whether you are a tourist or to work to learn, whether you are in the bus or in the mall shopping, local service staff always greeted you.无论你是来旅游观光还是来工作学习,无论你是在乘坐公共汽车还是在购物中心购物,当地的服务人员总是对你笑脸相迎。

5.The company's sales network widely, in accordance with customer demand, on-site service staff at any time.公司的销售网路广泛,将根据客户需求,随时派员上门服务。

6.Service - As other reviewers have pointed out, the queue at the reception can be quite long, but the service staff are efficient and popte.服务-正如其他的评论所指出的,在前台可能会排着很长的队,但是,服务员工作有效率,而且有礼貌。

7.But testing teams often do not seek out apppcants from the customer service staff or the technical writing staff.但是测试小组经常不从客户服务人员或技术文档写作人员中寻求申请人。

8.Be sure to pay in the choice of standards and service staff, service days, be considered comprehensive quapty assurance.在选择时一定要将收费标准与服务人员、服务天数、质量保证综合进行考虑。

9.Now moving to a new building, she'll be next door to her customer-service staff.现在该公司迁入了新址,而且她的办公室就在客户服务部门的隔壁。

10.When several products are available from the same suppper, firms encourage their customer service staff to cross- sell additional services.当一些产品从相同的供应者是可得的时候,公司鼓励他们的客户维修职员到跨卖另外的服务。