

craving:[英 [ˈkreɪvɪŋ] 美 [ˈkrevɪŋ] ]



craving 基本解释


动词渴望,热望( crave的现在分词 ); 恳求,请求


craving 相关例句


1. The miserable girl had a craving for sympathy.


craving 网络解释


1. 瘾:crave 渴望 | craving 瘾 | craving for knowledge 求知欲

craving 双语例句

1. craving的近义词

1. They are craving a change of pace in their humdrum life.


2. Next time you are craving fried food such as a beef burger why not replace this with a slice of grilled, lean beef on brown bread?


3. Try to notice when you observe sitting rupa if desire to see sabhava is there or not. If you notice this desire, stop practice for awhile until the desire goes away. If this desire is there you won`t be able to see the truth of sabhava. The Lord Buddha said you cannot see the truth when craving is there, because craving hides the truth.


4. He shared several characteristics with Kamala and Amala: sharpened teeth, craving for blood, earth-eating, chicken-hunting, love of darkness and friendship with dogs and jackals.


5. If you're hankering for a specific food, it's probably a craving, not hunger.



6. The switch speed of cutting acrylic motor is 18000 -24000 rotary/minutes. The longer blade and height ratio is inappropriate to process harder materials. The frequent breaking is resulted from cutter quality and the habit you set up the craving, craving machine guide track, electrical precision, sheet metal and fixture etc.


7. DRD〓 TaqIA: The level of cue-elicited heroin craving in A〓/A〓 genotype was higher than that in A〓/A〓 and A〓/A〓 genotypes among voluntary subjects (P<0.05), but we didn't find the difference among compulsory subjects.

自愿戒毒被试者DRD〓 TaqIA的A〓/A〓基因型诱发渴求高于A〓/A〓和A〓/A〓基因型(P<0.05),强制戒毒被试者DRD〓 TaqIA三种基因型与海洛因渴求程度的差异未见显著性(P>0.05)。

8. Eat fruit when you are craving something sweet.


9. craving的反义词

9. Handcrafts-lacquer line craving; pearl embroider; clay scripture; festoon and sculpture


10. Smoking a whole cigarette filled more than 88% of the receptors and alleviated craving to some extent.

吸烟整个卷烟填补超过88 %的受体和减轻烟瘾一定程度的影响。

11. Li Ying said that sha sha such woman is indeed very loathful, but develops very much satisfies a craving, this whole life has not cursed at people like this!


12. Free from craving, his task finished and is awakened - him do I call a Brahmin.

注:三个魔王是 kilesamara「烦恼魔」、maranamara「死魔」、与 devaputtamara「天子魔」。

13. Not knowing them as they really are, you grasp them with craving and wrong view.


14. craving的意思

14. Then craving, wrong view, and defilements arise again.


15. craving

15. Since it was a good day, the photograph cannot satisfy a craving, it is better to have the commemoration which can never be forgotten.


16. craving

16. Field of motion of leisurely wave ball is 30 degrees of right-and-left brae commonly, boil from brae when the ball when, the person inside can do 365 degrees to rotate as sphere, can experience weightlessness and gyral double stimulation at the same time, special satisfy a craving.


17. Credit cards might not only anaesthetise retail pain, they may create a physical craving to get the dopamine high from spending, says Professor Drazen Prelec, a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

麻省理工学院心理学家Drazen Prelec教授说,信用卡不仅麻醉了这种痛苦,而且它能增加从花钱中获得多巴胺的欲望。

18. craving什么意思

18. The unborn child was miraculously transferred from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini, who had long been craving a child of her own.


19. When food is merely a pretty cascade of viands, with the texture of boiled cardboard and the flavor of library paste, it may be the instinct of genus homo to go on eating in the unconscious hope of finally satisfying the ageless craving of the frustrated taste buds.


20. Generally, you can satisfy the craving only in calm. If you don't have


craving 单语例句

1. The Carnival features 43 rides including a giant ferris wheel for anyone craving a sedate view and bungee jumping for anyone who isn't.

2. It's when we're sick and our bodies are craving comfort that we should inflict more pain through acupuncture's needle pricks or cupping's flaming bruises.

3. Obama was often observed on the presidential campaign trail chewing Nicorette gum, which helps ease the craving for nicotine.

4. The interplay of the colors in the laser theater creating adorable elves will dazzle you and leave you craving for more.

5. " We are craving an'examination law, '" he said.

6. Legend goes that resourceful army cooks gathered wild vegetables and mushrooms during the Long March to fulfill Chairman Mao's craving for homemade soup.

7. Taiwanese traditionally rub salt into fruits to make them taste sweeter and this may explain the latest craving for salt coffee.

8. The exotic delicacies have tempting appearances and please the palate craving a taste of something sweet.

9. A woman's life has perished merely because a few unlawful teenagers wanted to satisfy their craving for fun.

10. The craving for quick returns has made some local officials deaf to the policy proposal for economic transformation.

craving 英英释义


1. an intense desire for some particular thing