

outshine:[英 [ˌaʊtˈʃaɪn] 美 [aʊtˈʃaɪn] ]


过去式:outshone;   过去分词:outshone;   现在分词:outshining;

outshine 基本解释



outshine 相关例句


1. She outshines all her sisters.


outshine 网络解释

1. outshine什么意思

1. 光亮强过:outset 开头 | outshine 光亮强过 | outshone 照耀


2. 使相形见绌、胜过:? legible 易读的、字迹清楚的 | ? outshine 使相形见绌、胜过 | gifted 有天赋的

3. 使相形见拙:outsell 卖得比...多 | outshine 使相形见拙 | outshoot 棒球外曲球

4. outshine

4. 光亮强过.../使相形见拙/使失色/发光:outset /著手/ | outshine /光亮强过.../使相形见拙/使失色/发光/ | outshoot /[棒球] 外曲球/

outshine 双语例句

1. outshine的近义词

1. Perhaps some will say that, in the global financial market turmoil and a general slowdown in global economic growth and financial crisis on the real economy, the impact has just begun against the backdrop of, A shares is simply not possible to outshine others.


2. So I don't outshine you.- Excuse me?


3. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.


4. May the kind of new year outshine all the rest.


5. I've made mistakes. That rival if not outshine your own.


6. In our plans, even the Hall will not outshine the beauty of nature.


7. You're going to outshine the rest.


8. outshine

8. Thou whose locks outshine the sun


9. Our friendship will outshine all earthly love; Next time we'll meet beyond the stars above.8 s2 R, c'S0 a l; i

让我们结成永恒的友谊,来日相聚在浩邈的云天。9 K/- r,X* h1 n+|$ A9 Y

10. In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May thekind of New Year outshine all the rest.



11. In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.


12. Does Van Persie have the ability to outshine Bergkamp?


13. Ist Es Ein Schnee this song has a beautiful female Gefallen, in the album in the wind, the bright light of the rhythm is slow songs outshine others.

这首Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen有着很美妙的女声,在整张专辑欢快的曲风中,这首节奏轻缓的歌可以说是一枝独秀。

14. Proprietary technologies designed to meet the rigorous demands of the industry are the key to why Canopus video editing systems outshine the rest.

专利技术成为在严格的工业标准下,Canopus 视频编辑系统胜过其它产品的关键。

15. outshine的反义词

15. He had these elements: the spirit of tenacity - and he can be of any opponent until the final; lasting non-belief — failure to win; — die spirit does not exist in this world of things to outshine others.


16. outshine在线翻译

16. Can you outshine the other jesters and entertain the flightless masses?


17. Here the western belle that the author singled out 3 to be able to develop the history on behalf of Internet quite, they are respectively: Comprehensive strength is superior, outshine the rest a safflower presses; of old Yahoo of old brand belle Chinese flowering crabapple, one action becomes famous; of belle Gu Ge opens the ability affection that presses beautiful women or fragrant flowers the FACEBOOK of pure and fresh small belle of bold, rise steeply.


18. You have to be smarter, more competitive and outshine your competition to make it to the recruiter's or human resources person's desk.


19. T have to work too hard to outshine its forebear.


20. How to outshine others in this saturated market is most important for cell phone manufacturers.


outshine 词典解释

1. 比…更优秀;比…更出色;胜过

If you outshine someone at a particular activity, you are much better at it than they are.


e.g. Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.


outshine 单语例句

1. The time span for each new generation of novelists to outshine their predecessors is getting shorter.

2. This is a factor for investors who have physical holdings of these commodities but investors in silver markets find that silver can outshine gold.

3. Many Chinese mothers do have high hopes that their children will outshine others in school, as Amy Chua does.

4. The economic benefits Nobel Prize laureates in literature reap will never outshine the unique achievements they have made with their pens.

5. The other candidates regularly try to outshine their rivals in denouncing China in the most offensive and provocative manner.

6. But one area where they outshine the female contestants of the rival show is in the arena of beauty.

7. But that does not definitely justify that packaging should even outshine what is inside.

8. " Chen seemed to outshine all the 37 beauty queen contestants on the stage, " a paper said.

9. It has since been passed down from one generation to another and continually improved, making Tianmen Sugar Sculpture outshine others.

10. I am really exited that she could outshine the competition and win the gold.

outshine 英英释义


1. attract more attention and praise than others

e.g. This film outshone all the others in quality

2. shine brighter than

e.g. What star outshines the sun?