

tyrannical:[英 [tɪˈrænɪkl] 美 [tɪˈrænɪkəl, taɪ-] ]


tyrannical 基本解释

形容词专横的; 专制的; 暴君的; 暴君似的


tyrannical 网络解释

1. 暴虐的:tyrannic 暴虐的 | tyrannical 暴虐的 | tyrannically 残暴地

2. 残暴的家伙:100 MERCILESS 决不留情 20 | 150 TYRANNICAL 残暴的家伙 35 | 200 IMMORTAL 不再是凡人 40

3. tyrannical的反义词

3. 暴君的:Innate: 天生的 | Tyrannical: 暴君的 | Anatomy: 解剖学


4. 暴君的,暴政的;萨达姆那样的:typical 典型的;来自type类型 | tyrannical 暴君的,暴政的;萨达姆那样的 | ultimate 终极的,根本的;

tyrannical 双语例句


1. Luke was born during the chaos as the galaxy transitioned from Republic to the tyrannical Empire. He and his twin sister, Leia, were secretly spirited away from his father and the Emperor.


2. Similarly, in any autocratic regime, the holders of power become increasingly, tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford.


3. Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars` lives.


4. Would you not say, that you are free, have a right to dress as you please, and that such an edict would be a breach of your privileges, and such a government tyrannical?


5. tyrannical

5. The director is a flunkey of China government! This movie he shot was nothing but an endorsement of the tyrannical China government!


6. It's about the largest most well-organized despotic, brutally tyrannical regime on planet earth.


7. tyrannical在线翻译

7. Palpatine was the supreme ruler of the most powerful tyrannical regime the galaxy had ever witnessed, yet his roots are extremely humble, traced back to the peaceful world of Naboo.



8. The tyrannical Thomas Carlyle and the self-sacrificing Jane Welsh; the two-timing Charles Dickens and the hopelessly overmatched Catherine Hogarth; and prudish John Ruskin, who never managed to bed Effie Gray, are posed against the more companionable alliances of John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, and George Eliot and George Henry Lewes.


9. But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planet SAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.


10. But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planetSAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.


11. He begins his reign wracked with guilt and fear and soon becomes a tyrannical ruler, as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion.



12. Emperor of Romea. d.14 - 37.Chosen by Augustus to be heir to the throne, he was a suspicious, tyrannical ruler.



13. Because in 1807 I dreamed of the very plan Napoleon tried to realize in 1811; because, like Machiavelli, I desired to alter the political face of Italy, and instead of allowing it to be split up into a quantity of petty principalities, each held by some weak or tyrannical ruler, I sought to form one large, compact, and powerful empire; and, lastly, because I fancied I had found my C?


14. In contrast, Jupiter, the supreme god, is shown as a tyrannical despotic ruler, cruel and devoid of sympathy, Shelley used these two images to represent the awakening masses and the cruel feudal rulers in then Europe, Britain in particular to give full expression of his longing for an ideal society without class oppression and exploitation.


15. Since is domineering and tyrannical the big tiger has eaten the old hen's egg, hatched will crow the cockerel in the belly, also has been brought in by the animals the zoo, then might live it up.


16. Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical.


17. So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign, without wealth to purchase for him preferment or title to secure for him place, it will be his privilege, and must be his acknowledged right, to stand unabashed even in the presence of princes, with a proud consciousness that he is himself, one of a nation of sovereigns, and that he can not in legitimate pursuit wander so far from home that the agent whom he shall leave behind in the place, which I now occupy will not see that no rude hand of power or tyrannical passion is laid upon him with impunity.


18. He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king could be.


19. Philosophers of the pre-Qin period in terms of their views regarding international politics, which include topics such as the distinction between good governance and tyrannical ruling, the principle of neighborhood foreign policy, pacifism and its realization, thoughts on the natural state and the formation of State and Government.


20. The social states fought the assertion of the received rights and demanded to right of the participation in the administrations, so that imposed a condition upon the tyrannical kingdom, and established the parliamentarism.


tyrannical 词典解释

1. (人)暴君似的,专横的,残暴的

If you describe someone as tyrannical, you mean that they are severe or unfair towards the people that they have authority over.


e.g. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head...


e.g. His behavior grew more unpredictable by the day, and increasingly tyrannical.


2. (政府或组织)专制的,暴政的,暴虐的

If you describe a government or organization as tyrannical, you mean that it acts without considering the wishes of its people and treats them cruelly or unfairly.

e.g. ...one of the world's most oppressive and tyrannical regimes.


tyrannical 单语例句

1. Bush as a tyrannical political imbecile who put Adolf Hitler in the shade and said Pyongyang could see no justification for talks with his administration.

2. Ahmadinejad on Thursday called Israel a tyrannical regime that will one day will be destroyed, and vowed to continue defending his country's right to develop nuclear technology.

3. " That your Sex are Naturally Tyrannical is a Truth, " she wrote.

4. The urge to break free of the tyrannical color scheme of blue, black and gray was palpable.

tyrannical的反义词tyrannical 英英释义


1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule

having absolute sovereignty

e.g. an authoritarian regime

autocratic government

despotic rulers

a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war

a tyrannical government

Synonym: authoritarianautocraticdictatorialdespotictyrannic

2. marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior

e.g. the oppressive government

oppressive laws

a tyrannical parent

tyrannous disregard of human rights

Synonym: oppressivetyrannous