

assured:[英 [əˈʃʊəd] 美 [əˈʃʊrd] ]


  复数形式:assured; assureds;

assured 基本解释

形容词自信的; 确定的; 自大的,狂妄的,胆大妄为的; 被保了险的

名词被保险人; 保险受益人; 深信无疑; 非常肯定

动词保险; 保险; 使相信,使确信(assure的过去式); 使相信,使确信(assure的过去式和过去分词)

assured 相关例句



1. Her political future looks assured.


2. He spoke in an assured manner.


3. You can be assured that she will recover in a couple of weeks.


4. John was assured of her ability to solve the problem.


assured 网络解释

1. 被保险人:但从个别的保险契约观察,要保人於给付保险费后,因保险事故之发生而请求保险金,法院常以保险费之给付已完成,而趋於保护被保险人(Assured)或受益人(Beneficiary)之利益.

2. 确实的:assured 被保险人;已保险的 | assured 确实的 | assured 已保险的应征税的

3. 被保险人;已保险的:assured 保着险的 | assured 被保险人;已保险的 | assured 确实的

4. 保着险的:assured against fire 火灾保险 | assured 保着险的 | assured 被保险人;已保险的

assured 双语例句

1. Triton has the products, the more you can rest assured.


2. assured的反义词

2. Mom can rest assured that the mother`s menstrual period to differ materially from tidal rehabilitation, but even to the middle of the menstrual menopause will have one or two months, and this is a normal physiological phenomenon, take some time before we return to the prenatal menstrual cycle, be sure to do a good job of contraceptive measures to prevent unnecessary abortions.


3. I have come to konw the mutalility of all human relations and learned to isolate myself from heat and cold so that the temperature balance is firely well assured.


4. Now I restart I dress up I started again you please be assured it`s all for you.


5. I can understand your feelings, in my experience to tell you that you can rest assured.


6. assured在线翻译

6. Du l/NB*F 5) He assured his property with this company.


7. If Snape was really in league with Voldemort the whole time, as he assured Bellatrix in the second chapter, then Snape can no longer be that example.


8. Rest assured that I will do what I can to ensure a smooth transition.


9. assured在线翻译

9. You can rest assured that despite his jostling and wrangling, your Aries dad is always on your team.


10. assured在线翻译

10. Subject to any express provision in the policy, where the assured has paid, or is liable to pay, a general average contribution in respect of the subject insured, he may recover therefor from the insurer.


11. Subject to any express provision in the policy, where the assured has incurred a general average expenditure, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the proportion of the loss which falls upon him; and, in the case of a general average sacrifice, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute.


12. assured

12. Age children should also be a lot smaller, and no specific statistical data, because let's lemon environment is relatively pure, relatively speaking, so rest assured that their children Laizheliwan great talent.


13. Wyeth is one the top 500 pharmaceutical companies, credibility and customer service are doing a good job is one of the best recipes, and I am assured.


14. So you see although you might find yourself in the middle of the ocean and 1000`s of miles from civilisation you can be assured that both your physical and recreational needs would be fully taken care of on a level that would be hard to surpase.


15. Where the assured is over-insured by double insurance, suchinsurer is bound, as between himself and the other insurers, to contribute


16. assured的解释

16. Five Elements vegetable soup, vegetable soup all the five elements from the vegetables (mushrooms, white radish, white radish leaves, carrot and burdock root) produced, and can say without any side effects, you can rest assured that drink, but also all ages.


17. Everyone knows that Garin died in an accident similar to the films opening tower-jumping scene and it casts a bit of a shadow over his performance to think that such a young man has died needlessly, but his performance here is still assured.


18. assured什么意思

18. Jiangtai Screen Products Co., Ltd., allows you to use the best price, the quickest way to buy the rest assured products.


19. Says he: We need a consistent policy, and that can now be assured.


20. Was established in April 1998, the entire registered capital of one million yuan to set up in July when Hewlett-Packard made a formal high value-added business partners eligible for and obtain HP repair center outside security qualifications are Southwest District to obtain information HP Product diamond dealers and authorized rest assured supplies shop qualified agents.


assured 词典解释

1. 自信的;放松的;有把握的

Someone who is assured is very confident and relaxed.

e.g. He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.



This is a lyrical work written with the authority and assuredness of an experienced writer.


2. 确定的;毫无疑问的

If something is assured, it is certain to happen.

e.g. Our victory is assured; nothing can stop us...


e.g. Yesterday, her future seemed assured.


3. 确定的;信心十足的;志在必得的

If you are assured of something, you are certain to get it or achieve it.

e.g. Laura Davies is assured of a place in Europe's team...


e.g. Bickerstaffe looks assured of being elected general secretary.


4. 可以放心;可以安心

If you say that someone can rest assured that something is the case, you mean that it is definitely the case, so they do not need to worry about it.

e.g. Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance...


e.g. Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize.


5. 必定,一定会(做某事)

You use rest assured when you want to emphasize your determination to do something.

e.g. I will be seeing Mr and Mrs. Johnson. And rest assured I will tell them of your rudeness...


e.g. Rest assured, if you owe taxes, we will collect them.


assured 单语例句assured的意思

1. He assured that the amount of money is " high enough " in order to cover capital needs of Spain's banks.

2. You can rest assured that the spiritual heart of Catholicism knows how to do Christmas.

3. The foreigners also can be assured that their information will be safe with the census group.

4. As a result, investors can rest assured that Spain will rise to the challenge.

5. McDonalds has assured people that the two additives conform to China's food additive standard level.

6. PSG and Porto were already assured of a place in the 16 of Europe's elite club competition.

7. Market reforms are crucial, but they should be pursued whilst assured of social stability and cohesion.

8. They assured me that the drivers would not run me down in cold blood.

9. Yet you can rest assured that had he come through Tulsa Airport, he would have taken note of the poster stretching across the arrivals hall.

10. The earthquake had cut off all communication at the airport, and Shen could not be assured that the plane would land safely.

assuredassured 英英释义


1. marked by assurance

exhibiting confidence

e.g. she paints with an assured hand

2. characterized by certainty or security

e.g. a tiny but assured income

we can never have completely assured lives