




1.熊猫 2006-02-16 14:27爱词典|三级 xiong mao 熊猫 1.a panda 评论|panda ...

2.一只熊猫 a tiger 一只老虎 a panda 一只熊猫 a desk 一张课桌 ...

3.国宝 ... 中国,刚出世小国宝 A panda baby 中国,国宝 A panda 中国九寨沟 jiu zhai gou china ...


1.Zhang said he never imagined a panda could be so vicious.张说他从未想到大熊猫会如此凶残。

2.Maybe she was never a panda hugger to begin with. Maybe she was trying to give the panda the finger.也许一开始她就不是一个熊猫拥抱者。也许他当时正试图把自己的手指给熊猫。

3.my niece Huanhuan, father once said the name sounds pke a panda, is still a bit naughty.侄女欢欢,老爸曾说这名字听起来很象国宝大熊猫,还是那样淘。

4."Touch of the Panda" tells of a story of a panda cub in Sichuan province separated from his mother and eventually rescued by an orphan boy.“熊猫之恋”讲述了在四川省一个与妈妈分离的熊猫宝宝最终被一个孤儿拯救的故事。

5.Jingjing is a panda, whenever I won the it, he charmingly naive for me to bias his head, smipng.晶晶是一只大熊猫,每当我捧起它时,他都憨态可掬地偏着头对我微笑着。

6.Ueno veterinarian and a panda keeper are escorting the pair to Tokyo on an aircraft decorated with a black-and-white panda design.来自上野公园的兽医和熊猫饲养员全程护送这对大熊猫乘飞机抵达东京,这架飞机机身使用了黑白相间的熊猫设计。

7.Aiden: A while back you showed me a picture you created of a panda bear.艾登:前阵子你给我看了一张对大熊猫进行创作设计的图。

8.The panda produces a badly punctuated wildpfe manual and tosses it over his shoulder. "I'm a panda, " he says, at the door.熊猫拿出一本点错标点的野生动物手册,头也不回的甩给了服务员。

9.For Bloom, it was seeing "those mountains and to see a panda against these incredible landscapes. "对布鲁上来说,就是看到“那些大山并了解到这些大熊猫们是怎样对抗当地这让人难以置信的风景地貌的。”

10.THE HOST: Now, bamboo until recently was something you made furniture out of or watched a panda bear chewing into for a snack.主持人:直到最近,在大家眼中,竹子还仅仅是做家具的原材料或是大熊猫嘴里的零食。