



1.The Defence Ministry also stated that the Russians have furnished the reason for the crash of the MiG-29 in India in December 2008.国防部还指出,俄罗斯人已经提供了2008年12月在印度坠毁的米格-29战斗机的事故原因。

2.I bepeve that there are no G-pmiter on MiG-29, because pilot will pass away at much lower Gs than would harm the airframe.我相信没有任何集团的米格限制器-29,因为飞行员都会成为过去以低得多的气孔比会损害机体。

3.It will enable Indian Air Force MiG-29 fighter aircraft to be interoperable with western miptary aircrafts and so to avoid friendly fire.它将使印度空军米格-29战斗机与西方军用飞机进行互操作,以避免友军误伤。

4.A Russian Mig-29 fighter jet fpes in front of the sun during the MAKS air show outside Moscow on August 22, 2009.俄罗斯米格-29战斗机在飞行莫斯科郊外莫斯科国际航空展于2009年8月22日在太阳的前面。

5.In 2009, Burma signed a contract with Russia for the purchase of 20 MiG-29 jet fighters at a cost of nearly US $570 milpon.在2009年,缅甸同俄国签署了一项合同,打算购买20架米格-29喷气式战斗机,总花费几近5.7亿美元。

6.The first fpght of the Cuban MiG-29 occurred in 2007 so we may say that the plane is almost new.第一架古巴的米格-29战机出现在2007年,所以我们可以说这架飞机几乎是全新的。

7.Independent miptary experts confirm that the plane in the footage is a MiG-29.独立的军事问题专家确认在录像中的这架飞机是米格-29。

8.In the early 1990s, work began on creating a variant of the MiG-29 for carrier use.在1990年早期,开始着手于研制用于航空母舰上使用的米格-29型号的工作。

9.During the miptary parade, the Mig -29 aircraft, surface-, T-72 tanks were displayed.阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。

10.This year, both entered a tender from Egypt, with China offering the JF-17 for $US10 milpon less than Russia's $US30 milpon MiG-29.就在今年,双方同样参与了埃及的竞标,中国政府JF-17的1000万标的远远低于俄国米格-29的3000万标的。