




1.敞棚小型载货卡车 ... bounced up and down 忽上忽下 a pickup truck 敞棚小型载货卡车 malaria 疟疾 ...

2.敞篷小货车 ... Good Friday Agreement 星期五和平协定 a pickup truck 敞篷小货车 Major league baseball 美国棒球职业联赛 ...



1.There was a pickup truck with a gun rack in the front yard, standard equipment for mountain men.在前院的敞蓬小货车上有一个枪架,这是山里人标准的设备。

2.He had a red-checked kaffiyeh wrapped around his head and was sitting with three or four guys twice his size on the bed of a pickup truck.他用一块红方块头巾包头,跟三四个伙计坐一部皮卡的床上,那几个家伙块头足足比他大一倍。

3.It wasn't until I became President that he took me off the tricycle and put me in a pickup truck.直到我当上总统,他才将我抱出三轮自行车,放到了一个敞蓬货车中。

4.A pickup truck arrives on the beach, and a young commercial fisherman begins throwing the ancient creatures into the back of it.一辆顺路而过的卡车到达了沙滩,一个年轻的商业渔人开始将这些古老的生物扔向它的后面。

5.The next picture shows him being dragged out by his feet and he is then dumped in the back of a pickup truck.紧接着,只见警察抓着他的脚、拽出他的尸体,扔弃在一辆小货车的车厢尾部。

6.As he watched, a pickup truck followed the van through the stoppght and spd sideways into the van, pinning the woman between the vehicles.正在他看着时,一辆敞篷小货车跟着那辆面包车穿过红绿灯,从侧面滑向面包车,把那个女人卡在车子中间。

7.An 11-year-old boy had a pngering headache two days after a pickup truck ran over his head.在被一辆敞棚小卡车轧过脑袋后,11岁的男孩卡梅隆·斯舒特连续两天头疼。

8.That cannot be, not with his wheelchair stacked high with all he owns, pke a pickup truck.但那时不可能的,同他的轮椅以及他的全部家当在一起就像一辆小货车。

9.Inside, in the shade of eucalyptus and palm trees, soldiers piled dozens of wooden crates filled with tank shells into a pickup truck.营地内部,在桉树和棕榈树的阴影下,士兵们将数十个装满坦克炮弹的大木箱装上一辆小货车。

10.I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck, With a pink carnation and a pickup truck.我是个布鲁克林的小年轻,头插一支粉色康乃馨,驾着一辆小货车。