




1.专属於你络释义 专属于你 凯儿(Crystal Kay)-专属于你(All Yours),MSN KK听歌-与国内NO.1线上音乐下载网站KKBOX合作,主题内容包 …

3.是你的 ... 追随你到天涯海角。( I'll follow you all around Azeroth.) 是你的。( All yours.) 滚烫双唇。( Hot Li…

4.都是你的,拿去吧 ... it is no concern of yours 这不关我[你]的事 all yours 都是你的,拿去吧! cordially yours n. 谨上 ...

5.送给你 It is yours to help him. 帮助他是你的责任。 all yours 拿去吧! 送给你! What's yours ? [口]你要喝什么(酒)? ...

6.该你了 you are a doll 你真善良 All yours 该你了 guacamole 鳄梨色拉酱 ...


1.But if you become more attractive because you've invested energy in taking good care of yourself, the credit is all yours.但如果你因为投入了更多的精力照顾自己而使自己变得更加迷人的时候,那名誉是全属于你自己的。

2.so I'm all yours now, ready to start when you want. Wonderful.现在我是你的,当你想开始的时候。太好了。

3.Keep saying it is all yours often enough and people will start to bepeve you.不停地说这都是你的次数足够多的话,人们就会慢慢相信你的话。

4.They are all yours, ' said she, very prettily, and endeavoured to be gayer than she was.“它们都是你的手指,”她娇滴滴地说,努力装出比以前更加快活的神情。

5." then i will be all yours , " said the pttle white rabbit.“那么我愿意全部属于你。”小白兔说。

6.Remember, the time you make needs to be all yours to the greatest degree possible.记住,你需要的时间就是尽你所能达到的程度。

7.Gabrielle: Yeah, well, you'll be cruising so fast on this, no one will even notice. It's all yours, hon. Have fun.好吧,你戴上这个飞驰而过,甚至没有人会注意到。是你的了,亲爱的,玩得开心。

8.I see you and all yours sons happy together, four of your stand in.我看到你和你的儿子们幸福的生活在一起,你们四个站在一起。

9.Yes, sir. Let me carry your baggage. Are these all yours?好的,先生。让我为您拎行李。这些都是您的吗?

10."But you have to tell your mom! I'm not saying one word to Renee! That's all yours! " He busted into loud guffaws.“但你得跟你妈妈说。我不会和蕾内提一个字的!那是你的任务!”他大声狂笑起来。