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英文单词:抗线粒体抗体(anti-mitochondrial antibody);美国市场营销协会(American Marketing Association);美国管理协会(American Management Association)



abbr.1.American Medical Association

1.抗线粒体抗体(anti-mitochondrial antibody)抗线粒体抗体(AMA)(免疫学检查) 间接荧光抗体法:阴性(≤1:5) 临床意义 抗脱氧核糖核酸抗体(DNA)(免疫学检查) 间接荧光抗体 …

2.美国市场营销协会(American Marketing Association)美国市场营销协会(ama)于1985年对市场营销下了更完整和全面的定义:市场营销“是对思想、产品及劳务进行设计、定价、促 …

3.美国管理协会(American Management Association)经美国管理协会AMA)的研究成果表明:“错误的选拔一个岗位的雇员给组织带来的直接经济损失是该岗位年薪的50%”;专家 …

4.美国医学会(American Medical Association)而美国医学会AMA)日前也呼吁联邦和州政府以及各州有关部门,应就店内诊所和药店零售终端之间联手牟取利益问题展开 …




1.An AMA committee is seeking solid scientific evidence before it brings the matter to a vote.美国医学联合会的一个委员会正在寻找有说服力的科学证据,然后再付诸表决。

2.All I have to say is, if I ama man of God, then, let fire come down from heaven and consume you!我能够说的便是,我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把他们都烧光!

3.Red Bull amA US Rookies Cup announced the 23 talented, young riders that will battle it out in the upcoming season.红公牛AMA美国新手杯宣布了将在即将来临的季节外面对抗它的23个有才华的、年轻骑手。

4.After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement ( "MOA" ) which seemed to be an amicable solution.1996年,经过多年的舆论攻击,CARB和AMA达成一份协议备忘录(简称“MOA”),似乎是一个圆满的解决方案。

5."Well, if I ama man of God, then, let fire come down from the skies and burn you! " I shouted.那好,我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把你们都烧光吧!

6."What you heard today was a call for a thoughtful analysis of all the options, " AMA President Dr Nancy Nielsen said.“今日所说的,都是要求对所有选择进行细致周到的分析。”该协会总裁NancyNielsen博士说。

7.Meanwhile, the AMA says that physicians should not accept gifts worth more than $100 that do not benefit patients.与此同时,美国医学协会表示,医生不得收受价值超过100美金而有损患者利益的礼物。

8.After all, it had been 25 years since President Reagan visitedthe AMA.毕竟,这是25年来,里根总统后第一次拜访AMA。

9.At least, that's the position the AMA adopted this week at its big annual policy meeting.至少,在本周美国医药协会的大型年度政策会议上批准这一决定。

10.Buy a metal tongue scraper to remove the build up of toxins and bacteria (ama) that have formed on your tongue overnight.买个金属刮舌器来去除晚上产生的各类毒素和细菌构成。