


美式发音: [su] 英式发音: [suː]






1.一点钱;一文钱if you do not have asou , you have no money at all


n.1.a very small amount of money

1.苏 [shou] 梳"读作 [sou] "读作 [sou] 蔬"读作 ...

5.南安普顿 腮 Soi Sou 索 Sok ...


1.He had not the air of owning a sou, but he does not consider money; he pays to Lagny, and he goes only as far as Chelles.看他那样子,不见得有钱,可是花起钱来,却又不在乎,他付车费,付到拉尼,但只坐到谢尔。

2.By bending over, one could have readily recognized a coin, --no doubt the forty-sou piece stolen from the little Savoyard .假使有人弯着腰,就不难看出那是一枚银币。那一定是从那通烟囱的小瑞尔威抢来的那枚值四十个苏的钱了。

3.He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, and a three-sou dessert.他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。

4."Sou Shen Ji" is a weird fiction written by Gan Bao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and is of great value for the studies of Chinese vocabulary.《搜神记》是东晋干宝撰写的一部志怪小说,对汉语词汇的研究具有重要价值。

5.He wanted to save his dead brother's name from dishonour without obliging either his nephew or himself to part with a sou.他要挽回亡弟的名誉,可无须他或他的侄儿花一个钱。

6.She was living on her savings which she had got together sou by sou.她此时的生活全靠着自己的一点积蓄,这点积蓄是一个小钱一个小钱地积起来的。

7.Night, still only wheel rolling over tracks issued rhythmic sounds and the train pass through a cave "sou, zoom" sound.夜里,依旧只有车轮轧过铁轨发出的有节奏的声响和火车穿过山洞发出的“嗖、嗖”声。

8.You will find at my house, among the ashes in the fireplace, the forty-sou piece which I stole, seven years ago, from little Gervais.在我家里壁炉的灰里,你们可以找到一个值四十个苏的银币,那是七年前我抢了小瑞尔威的。

9."Good resides. Young man, see you! " Old man say that finish started the transfer matrix. Qi, the figure of "sou" sound disappeared.“好咧。小伙子,后会有期!”老者说完就启动了传送阵。斯琪的身影“嗖”的一声消失了。

10.The unfortunate convict is supposed to possess merely a sou ; not at all, he possesses liberty.别人以为这苦役犯带着的只是一个苏,一点也不对,他带着的是自由。