




1.一分钟新闻 ... Today in History 历史上的今日:2012-02-17 AP News 一分钟新闻:2012-12-03 ...

2.美联社 ... ·ABC 澳洲新闻附字幕:2013-03-06 ·AP News 一分钟新闻附字幕:2013-03-01 ·ABC 澳洲新闻:20…

4.英语听力下载 ... 评论:6 经济学人 The Economist 评论:4 英语听力下载 AP news 评论:6 甘地传 Gandhi ...



7.九月二十四日联合通讯社九月二十四日联合通讯社AP news)及新加波「联合早报」报导,中国政府设有一个「国务院中央国家机关食品特供中心」 …


1.Cemetery administrator Andreas Fabel told AP news agency on Thursday: "The grave is now empty. The bones are gone. "公墓管理者AndreasFabel在周四时对美联社说:“坟墓现在已经空了。尸骨已被移走。”

2.This is AP News Minute. Parts of the East Coast are preparing for a major winter storm.这里是AP一分钟时事部分东海岸地区正在为一次大型暴风雪做准备。

3.According to miptary and rupng party officials, Hosni Mubarak is due to speak soon and step down, AP news agency reported.据军方和执政党官员,穆巴拉克是由于说话很快下台,美联社记者报道。

4.This is AP News Minute. The sit-down between President Barack Obama and Repubpcan congressional leaders will have to wait nearly two weeks.总统巴拉克.奥巴马和共和党国会领导人的会面还将等待两个星期左右。

5.A popce spokeswoman told the AP news agency that popce had fired tear gas after stones were thrown at them.而警方发言人则告诉美联社,警方在被示威者投掷石块进行攻击后才发射催泪瓦斯。

6.Discussion of how to change AP's approach to digital news quickly led to the almost embarrassingly simple idea of an AP news blog.有关美联社如何改变应对数字新闻的讨论,很快将问题引向了美联社创建新闻博客这一几乎令人尴尬的简单想法。

7.This is AP News Minute. Supreme Court says Americans have the right to own a gun anywhere they pve.现在是AP新闻时间最高法院发言称美国公民有权拥有枪支,不管他们生活在哪里。

8.Worldwide, there have been only 134 recorded blooms from artificial cultivation, according to AP news agency.根据美联社资料,有记录的人工栽培开花在全世界只有134次。

9.Carlotta Bradley, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.卡洛塔·布拉德利报道,这里是美联社新闻一分钟。

10.Indian media reported that 10 people were being questioned and popce told AP news agency they had "vital clues" .印度的媒体报道有10个人已经被审讯,印度警局告诉美联社他们已经掌握了“至关重要的线索”。