


美式发音: [ˈɑrɡəs] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:ɡəs]





n.1.in Greek mythology, a giant with 100 eyes.2.an alert watchful person

1.阿格斯戈斯大师:伊阿宋着手准备远航去夺取金羊毛时,雇用了阿耳戈斯(Argus)为他建造一艘能载五十人的大船,并以造船师的名 …

3.百眼巨人(Hera)的虐待,故把艾奥变成小牛,多疑的赫拉要阿尔戈斯(Argus)替其看守艾奥,阿尔戈斯有一百只眼,睡觉时只会闭上两 …

5.阿古斯 Argos No Senshi 未来战士 Argus 百眼巨神 Arkanoid 打砖块 ...

8.百眼巨人阿尔戈斯在希腊神话中,百眼巨人阿尔戈斯(Argus)是战神阿瑞斯托之子,守护艾奥(主神宙斯的情人, 后为宙斯之妻赫拉施法变成母牛) …


1.When she did find it, Hera took Argus' eyes and put them on the tail of her peacock to decorate it.当她找到时,希拉拿着阿格斯的眼睛放在她的孔雀尾巴上作为装饰。

2.When Hermes was certain that Argus was sound asleep, he took his sword in his hands. With one swift stroke he cut off Argus' head.当赫密斯很确定阿格斯睡得很熟时,他手里拿着剑,很快地一挥,砍断了阿格斯的头。

3.Argus was a watchman with a hundred eyes, set in a circle all around his head.阿刚斯是个有100只眼睛的看守,他能看到头顶上一圈的任何东西。

4.This was a tactical version of an ARGUS device: a portable laser spectrometer used to sniff out traces of explosive chemical compounds.这是ARGUS装置的战术版本:一个便携式激光分光仪,用于探测爆炸性化合物的踪迹。

5."Come with me, Argus, " he said to Filch. "You, too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger. "“跟我来吧,费尔奇。”他对费尔奇说,“还有你们,波特先生、韦斯莱先生、格兰杰小姐。”

6.Now argus had a hundred eyes in his head, and never went to sleep with more than two at a time, so that he kept watch of Io. constantly.且说,阿尔戈斯头上长了一百只眼睛,每逢睡觉时,只闭上一、两只眼睛就够了。)因此伊俄无时无刻不在他的监视之中。

7.for Argus still contrived to keep some of his eyes open, though he shut the rest.因为阿尔戈斯虽然闭上了其中一些眼睛,但总有彆一些还是睁着的。

8.At each pass of the main logic, a simple process check is run to make sure the Argus network connection monitor is active.在每次经过主逻辑时,系统都将运行简单的过程检查以确保Argus网络连接监视器处于活动状态。

9.Groups pke the Burning Blade, the Argus Wake, and the Searing Blade are tools of the Council.象火刃、阿古斯复苏和灼热之刃这样的组织,都是议会的工具。

10.Zeus felt sorry for Io, still he did not dare to change her back into her natural form while Argus was watching her.宙斯为伊娥感到很难过,可是在阿刚斯的看守下他还不敢把她变回原来的样子。