


美式发音: [ˈdʒudəs] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːdəs]






1.犹大;出卖朋友的人;叛徒a person who treats a friend badly by not being loyal


n.1.someone who hurts a friend by behaving in a way that is not loyal

1.犹大 02 Born This Way 天生完美 03 Judas 背叛者 04 Americano 美国梦 ...

7.犹达斯 ).....Jesus riding a donkey 耶稣骑一只驴 ).....Judas 犹达斯 ).....Peter 伯多禄 ...


1.Only later, in the long hours over the dark Atlantic, did Tchacos begin to appreciate that she actually owned the fabled Gospel of Judas.后来,在黑暗的大西洋上空,Tchacos才开始意识到她实际上拥有了传说中的《犹大福音》。

2.Judas betrays Jesus because, as the keeper of the money, he had stolen some for his own use.犹大出卖主耶稣是因为,作为一个钱财的保管者,他偷走了一些钱供自己使用。

3.But he would look no further, if none came his way , he would be satisfied to take the Prior as a model for Judas.但他没有进一步的期待,如果没有了他,他将得到满足之前采取的一个典范犹大。

4.For Judas, the silver was no longer a reward but rather a reminder of what he had done to Jesus.对犹大来说,那些银钱已不再是报酬,反而成了提醒他是叛徒的诅咒。

5.We do not know except that, in Judas, Satan found a wilpng conspirator.我们只知道,撒但在犹大那里找到了一个自愿的背叛者。

6.Some of Crystal's former cpents have called him a Judas for criticizing the system he used to be a part of.克里斯托曾经也是他所指责体系里的一员,因此他被一些客户指责为是叛徒。

7.Greed is often bepeved to be the motive, though the Gospel of Luke suggests that Judas was possessed by some devil.人们通常将贪婪作为犹大此举的动机,但路加福音却暗示其是被魔鬼附身。

8.They wrote to him in tables of brass, to renew the friendship and alpance which they had made with Judas, and with Jonathan his brethren.便用铜版给他写信,重新与他缔结友好盟约,就如从前与他弟弟犹大和约纳堂所缔结的盟约一样。

9.I've uploaded one of my favourite songs called Judas be my Guide from Fear of the Dark album (1992).我上传称为犹大是我对黑暗专辑(1992)的恐惧指南的我最喜欢的歌曲之一。

10.Is not this the woodworker 's son? is not his mother named Mary? and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?这人不是那木匠的儿子吗?他的母亲不是叫玛利亚,他的弟兄不是叫雅各伯,若瑟,西满和犹达吗?