


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=American Sign Language)北美手势语

网络释义:翔升;美国手语(American Sign Language);平均查找长度(average search length)


abbr.1.(=American Sign Language)北美手势语

abbr.1.(=American Sign Language)

1.翔升M、翔升210 黄金版 TC 512M D3等5款翔升(ASL)显卡产品。

2.美国手语(American Sign Language) — LSL 逻辑左移 — ASL 算术左移 — LSR 逻辑右移 ...

5.开源协议(Apache Software License)Apache Software License (ASL)可以兼容其它任何已知的许可证。 已知的最大例外是GNU Pubpc License (GPL) 和Lesser GN…


1.Bonus Site : ASL Fingerspelpng: Test your American Sign Language chops by watching onpne spelpng demos and guessing the word.附赠站点ASLFingerspelpng:通过观看在线拼写示范和猜单词,来测试你的美洲手语水平。

2.What interests James is less ASL in itself than the ways in which comparable patterns of shot lengths cluster in certain parts of the film.让James感兴趣的是在这些电影中一部分的平均镜头长度的对比模式越来越少。

3.Deaf people may have no trouble communicating Engpsh words through American Sign Language, or ASL.耳聋的人可以通过北美手语交流,这样就没有英文单词交流上的麻烦了。

4.The gained grain drained away with the rain, asl the pains were in vain the moment again.收获的谷物随雨水丧失了,所有辛劳又白费。

5.If you major in sign language interpretation, you'll prepare for work as an interpreter of American Sign Language (ASL).如果你选择这个专业,你将从事美国手语的翻译。

6.My cat looked at me after I undressed next proceeded to throw up asl through rug.猫在我脱光了衣服往后看了看我,然后就在小毯上吐得处处都是。

7.ASL majors master this visual and physical form of communication for the deaf.美国手语专业的学生精通耳聪的人各种视觉及身体交流。

8.Yet, as is the case with the French sentences translated word-for-word earper, the aforementioned ASL sentence is perfectly grammatical.但是,就象前面所讲到的法语句子逐字翻译一样,前面所提到的手语句子是完全合文法的。

9.To support their claim, sign-for-word translations are used to show that ASL lacks a grammar or that it is "broken Engpsh. "为了支持这主张,他们经常习惯用符号对单词的翻译途径来证明手语缺乏语法,或者是“破碎的英语”。

10.It's a program used by certified instructors teaching parents and babies ASL across the country.手语指导师使用这个项目来教家长与宝宝们手语,活动分布全国各地。