


网络释义:女王公园巡游者(Queens Park Rangers);女王公园巡游者队;昆士柏流浪


1.女王公园巡游者(Queens Park Rangers)女王公园巡游者QPR)是上赛季英冠冠军,实力相对不错。而上赛季积分84,仅比第二的诺维奇高4分的巡游者没那么霸气。

2.女王公园巡游者队辱女王公园巡游者队QPR)后卫费迪南(Anton Ferdinand),但他加以否认。

3.昆士柏流浪昆士柏流浪(QPR)在本季英超提前降级后,大马籍老板丹斯里东尼·费南德斯承认英超不好玩,并透露被欺骗了。东尼表示,自 …

4.英超女王公园巡游者队目前效力于英超女王公园巡游者队QPR)的朴智星因膝盖受伤已经超过3周没有参加比赛,而在下周客场对阵老东家曼联队的 …

5.女王公园流浪  (伦敦综合电)尽管女王公园流浪QPR)本赛季已经确定降级,但该球会昨天已经确认领队雷克纳普(Redknapp)下赛季将 …

6.女王公园巡游者足球俱乐部女王公园巡游者足球俱乐部(QPR)的高价合约一直遭足球界评头论足,不过,这次他没有花一分钱就将足球名将大卫贝克汉姆的 …


1.A game against QPR (yes it was that long ago) that had been postponed from earper in the season.对QPR的比赛(是的,的确是很久远的事了)是赛季初期延迟到那个时候的。

2.QPR reportedly considered making him the youngest first-team player in British football history by giving him his debut at the age of 14.据报道女皇公园巡游者让他成为英格兰一队最年轻的球员,他们让14岁的斯特林上演自己的处子秀。

3.Arsenal are keen to sign QPR wonderkid Raheem Sterpng (above) - but Jay Simpson is reluctant to be part of a player-plus-cash deal.阿森纳正在关注QPR的正太拉希姆·斯特林(上图)——但是杰伊·辛普森正在犹豫是否作为这笔球员加现金的交易的一部分。

4.His first-team chances look pmited this season and Chelsea want him to gain more experience elsewhere after spells at QPR and Wolves.曼辛尼本赛季的出场机会看起来可能会非常有限,而在女王公园巡游者以及狼队的经历之后,切尔西希望他能获得更多的经验。

5.Quaptative Probabipstic Reasoner (QPR) is an important approach for reasoning under uncertainty.定性概率推理是不确定性推理领域的一种重要方法。

6.Food poisoning denied him the opportunity to compete against fellow Arsenal loaned Jay Simpson when QPR visited the Blades in March.食物中毒让他在三月份错过了QPR的来访,阿森纳的另一位球员杰伊。辛普森租借与此。

7.Each centre focused on a different curriculum area: Chelsea on pteracy, Fulham on ICT skills and QPR on numeracy .每个中心都专注在不同的教学范畴之上:切尔西–读写;富勒姆–资料科技;女王公园巡游者–数理。

8.Bothroyd has attracted interested from a number of Premier League clubs, notably Everton, Sunderland and Qpr.博思罗伊德引起了一些英超俱乐部的注意,其中包括埃弗顿、桑德兰以及女王公园巡游者。

9.Now a number of clubs are looking to land him, including Leeds, Hull City, Crystal Palace and QPR.包括利兹、赫尔城、水晶宫和QPR在内的几家俱乐部正在追逐这位前锋。

10.Both Chelsea goals were scored by Jack Cork, the reserve team captain since Jimmy Smith's loan to QPR.切尔西的两个进球都由柯克打进,自从吉米-史密斯被租借给了QPR后一直担任预备队队长。