


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=antisubmarine warfare)反潜(艇)战

英文单词:反潜战(anti-submarine warfare);反潜作战;反潜型


abbr.1.(=antisubmarine warfare)反潜(艇)战2.(=antisatellite weapon)反卫星武器3.(=Association of scientific workers)科学工作协会

abbr.1.(=antisubmarine warfare)2.(=antisatellite weapon)3.(=Association of scientific workers)

1.反潜战(anti-submarine warfare)的多用途战斗舰艇具有全面的水 面打击、空中 防御和反潜战斗ASW)能力。它也是中国建造军舰中的第 一艘配备有很多 …

5.是否为反潜抛射体 ... AS = 该武器是否可以攻击水下目标. ASW = 是否为反潜抛射体. Acceleration = 抛射体 …


1.The Royal Navy's primary mission during the Cold War, excluding the nuclear deterrent role, was that of anti-submarine warfare (ASW).英国皇家海军冷战时期的主要任务,除了扮演核子吓阻的角色以外,就是反潜作战(ASW)。

2.In the end, an empirical example is illustrated to validate. The evaluation model can be applied to ASW decision support system.最后给出了评估算例,验证了模型的合理性,可应用于反潜巡逻飞机搜潜方案的计算机辅助决策。

3.ASW can be evenly broadened to a wide range by adjust the sound pressure level of central loudspeaker.通过调节中置扬声器的重放声压级可以使ASW均匀扩展到比较宽的位置。

4.A further improved variant fitted with an indigenous KLC-1 surface search radar and a ASW suite was introduced in the late 1990s.一种进一步改进型安装使用了本国KLC-1水面搜索雷达,并且一套ASW组件在1990年后期被引进。

5.Areas key to PLAN modernization include antisubmarine warfare (ASW), shipborne antiair warfare (AAW), and sustained naval operations.解放军海军现代化的区域性关键环节包括反潜战,舰艇防空作战,以及连续的海上作战。

6."ASW" means each company within the A. S watson group and affiliated companies, who wish to make use of condition.ASW是指想在A.S沃森集团及其附属公司里好好利用其优势条件的各家公司。

7.And despite the lack of sophistication of China's submarines, Taiwan has limited ASW assets to counter China's large submarine fleet.此外,尽管中国缺乏精密的潜艇,台湾只有有限的反潜工具来面对中国庞大的潜艇舰队。

8.By 1995, fleet targets had been met, and Japan now possessed the most powerful and advanced Asian ASW force.1995日本海上舰队的目标已经达到,拥有当时亚洲最先进强大的反潜战力量。

9.These ships are armed with 6 C-201 ASMs, ASW torpedoes and mortars, and a heavy gun armament.这些军舰装备有6枚C-201反舰导弹;反潜鱼雷和火箭;以及重型的火炮。

10.can 6 tonne helo do search, rescue and even ASW?6吨级直升机除过搜索、救援外,能否实现反潜等工作?
