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英文单词:激动素(Kinetin);韩国电信公司(Korea Telecom);千吨




1.激动素(Kinetin)如激动素Kt)、6-BA.准确称取20mg,先用2mL的1mol/L的NaOH或HCl溶解,然后加水,定容至20mL,浓度为1mg/mL,再 …

2.韩国电信公司(Korea Telecom)近日,韩国电信公司KT)宣布,旗下LTE用户总数已经突破了200万大关。该公司于今年1月推出这项服务,此后,用户总量 …

3.千吨1枚千吨(kT)级的微型核弹若在距地40公里的平流层内引爆,瞬间释出约900亿焦耳能量的珈玛射线与大气层空气作用,衍生出 …

4.知识转移(knowledge transfer)  3、与印度总部有频繁的人员交换,并可以通过培训、KT(Knowledge transfer) 以及离岸项目等方式获得大量海外工作经验。  4 …


1.kT Well when it's like this, the temperature is so low that there's not nearly enough thermal energy to populate any of these states.在这儿,And,kT,is,here。,当它像这样,温度这么低,以至于没有足够的热运动,能使分子跃迁到不同的能态。

2.A spokesman for KT Corp. said he expects investments in LTE will help boost the company's profitability long term.韩国最大的固定电话运营商KTCorp.的发言人说,预计LTE投资将有助于提升公司的长期盈利能力。

3.The discovery was made just a few centimeters below what became the K-T boundary line.这一发现是只是一个几厘米低于成为KT边界线。

4.That means that you could put a bunch of different i's kT here whose energies are all quite low compared to kT.这意味着你这里可以对大量的i求和,这些i代表的能量远低于。

5.Also an important result was that the partition function itself, q vibrational, in the high temperature limit, E0 was just kT over E0.这结果很重要,对于配分函数本身,配分函数q振动,在高温极限下,就等于kT除以。

6.Winds near the surface at Chek Lap Kok were easterlies around 10 kt throughout the morning .当日整个上午,赤角接近地面高度吹东风,风速约每小时10海里。

7.So now if we just write out a few of the individual terms in the sum, it's one plus e to the minus epsilon zero over kT.那么现在如果我们只是写出,求和中的一些项,它是一加上e的负ε0除以kT次方。

8.Kurt Thomas got the start in place of Matt Bonner against Houston, but that was most likely just a matchup thing.KT在对火箭的比赛中取代了Bonner的首发,但是这个基本上就是一场比赛的事儿。

9.Everything else is really big compared to kT, which means this exponential gets to be a really small number for every state except one.其他所有的量和kT相比都很大,这意味着除了一个状态之外,对所有的状态来说这个指数都很小。

10."The exchange of state-of-the-art technologies between Imperial Tobacco and KT&G will bring more premium cigarettes here, " he said.帝国烟草公司和KT&G公司之间的先进技术的交换,将给韩国带来更多名优卷烟。