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网络释义:衰减全反射(attenuated total reflection);目标识别;真实波幅(Average True Range)



1.衰减全反射(attenuated total reflection) 现状: The state of atr education 自动目标识别ATR 目标自动识别: ATR ...

5.衰减全反射法 AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶 ATR 衰减全反射法 Audit or inspection 稽查/视察 ...


1.Here's how the system works: An operator sits at a computer with a webcam and special teleoperation software developed by ATR.看看这个系统是如何工作的:一个操作者坐在一台电脑前配有一个网络摄像头和ATR开发的特殊遥控操作软件。

2.Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) Computational Neuroscience Laboratories also takes fMRI scans of what the subject sees.国际电气通信基础技术研究所(ATR)的计算神经科学实验室也用fMRI扫描了实验对象所见的内容。

3.ATR Length: As we have learned in our previous uses of ATR, the length that we use to average the ranges can be very important.ATR周期长度:正如我们在以前使用ATR过程中发现的,我们用来计算ATR的时间周期长度是非常重要的。

4.Using ATR you might be able to build a system for Corn that might actually work in Yen without the spghtest modification.使用ATR你可以设计一个既适用于玉米市场,同样也可以在没有任何修改的情况下用于日元市场。

5.The prototype, spghtly bigger than the size of a palm, features an outer coating that feels pke human skin, ATR officials said.这款手机的原型尺寸略大于手掌,表面涂层给人以人类皮肤的触感。ATR官员这样介绍说。

6.At all times reflect to the market place the professional integrity of ATR and Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Center.任何时候都要体现ATR和黄金海岸会展中心的专业操守。

7.'The mobile phone may feel pke the person you are talking to, ' an ATR spokesman said.ATR的发言人说:“使用这款手机能让你正与某人进行亲身交谈的感觉。”

8.The principle role of Sales Manager for Siam Ocean World in ATR is to increase market share of the growing outbound travel market of China.ATR的暹罗海洋世界的销售经理,主要职责是帮助暹罗海洋世界在不断成长过程中的中国出境旅游市场赢得更大的市场份额。

9.Negotiation of pricing and submitting pricing to Finance Manager and being the paison between the supppers and ATR.负责价格谈判,并将价格信息及时通知财务经理,为ATR和供应商之间的纽带;

10.SAR ATR method characterized with low memory requirement, low computational complexity and good recognition performance is proposed.给出一种内存需求小、计算复杂度低且性能较好的合成孔径雷达自动目标识别(SARATR)方法。