


美式发音: [ɪmˈpres] 英式发音: [ɪm'pres]




第三人称单数:impresses  现在分词:impressing  过去式:impressed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.greatly impress

v.gloss over




1.[t][i]使钦佩;使敬仰;给…留下深刻的好印象if a person or thingimpresses you, you feel admiration for them or it

We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但都没有给我们留下什么印象。

The Grand Canyon never fails to impress.大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。

His sincerity impressed her.他的真诚打动了她。

He impressed her with his sincerity.他的真诚打动了她。

It impressed me that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

I was impressed that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。

2.[t]~ sth on/upon sb使意识到(重要性或严肃性等)to make sb understand how important, serious, etc. sth is by emphasizing it

He impressed on us the need for immediate action.他让我们认识到立刻采取行动的必要。

3.[t]~ sth/itself on/upon sth使铭记;给…留下深刻印象to have a great effect on sth, especially sb's mind, imagination, etc.

Her words impressed themselves on my memory.她的话语我铭记在心里。



v.1.if someone or something impresses you, you admire them2.to make a mark or pattern on something by pressing an object into its surface

n.1.Same as impressment

1.印象之美 奥秘思 Orbis 印象之美 Impress 莉莉露茜 LILY&LUCY ...

2.留下印象 indirect 间接的 表示“里面” impress 留下印象 input 输入 4. ...

3.简报 instruction n. (常作复数)指示;说明 20. impress vt. 使印象深刻 10. method n. 方法 21. ...

5.盖印 expression n 表达;表情 impress v 盖印;使感动 impression n 印象;感想 ...

6.留下极深的印象 impossible a. 不可能的 impress vt. 留下极深的印象 impression n. 印象,感觉 ...

7.使铭记 immeasurable a. 不可计量的, 无限的 impress v. 使…铭记 keenly ad. 强烈地 ...


1.Your desire to impress this person will cause you to do all that you can to be at your very best.你要给这个人带去好印象的希望会让你尽力做到自己最好。

2.She had good grades but wanted to get into graduate school, so she did an honors thesis to impress the graduate admissions committee.她成绩优异,但为了能进研究生院学习,她写了一篇额外的荣誉论文以引起招生委员会的重视。

3.We are trying to impress it upon the farmers and trying to reduce the crop size, " he said. "我们正试图让烟农铭记这一点,设法降低烟草的种植规模。

4.Beatrice: Did you think you strength alone would be enough to impress me?贝翠丝:你认为你单独一人的力量就足够感动我吗?。

5.Your resume has only a few seconds to impress - or to end up in the trash.你的简历只有几秒钟的时间来打动别人—要么被扔进垃圾桶。

6.Mrs Merkel departed for Bavaria hoping that the summiteers had done enough to impress the markets and put the euro on a more stable footing.默克尔夫人启程前往巴伐利亚州,希望参加峰会者做得已足够打动市场并置欧元于一个更加稳定的基础之上。

7.Battpng is sometimes too much aggression, and performing is too much trying to impress someone else. . . dancing in a circle is just right.斗舞有时充满侵略性,而表演更多的是为了打动观众…其实这要在舞台上好好跳舞就对了。

8.She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek, dropped it, and turned round.她捧起枕头,端着,好像舍不得抖掉他那脸颊的印痕,忽然丢下,转过身来。

9.Jim was just a store clerk, until he decided he could probably impress more girls by telpng them he was a Green Beret, which he became.吉米曾经在商店工作,后来他大概是想得到姑娘们更加青睐,告诉她们他曾是绿色贝雷帽,他果真是。

10.He had a way of touching her hand in explanation, as if to impress a fact upon her.他说话时喜欢用手碰碰她的手,好像要加深她的印象似的。