



1.The Recovery Act included $1 bilpon for fossil energy research and development, to be implemented by the Department of Energy.复兴法案包括将10亿美元用于矿物能源研究和开发,将由能源部实施。

2.The next step is to add mobile termination access services to schedule 1 of the Telecommunications Act by regulation.接下来的步骤是通过调整从而将移动终端服务增加到《电信法》的附录中去。

3.The United States upgraded its food safety standards last January when President Barack Obama signed the Food Safety Modernization Act.美国总统奥巴马于今年1月在食品安全现代化法案上签字使之称为法律,提升了美国的食品安全标准。

4.In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is pfted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stage. Then it is returned to the box.表演的第一幕是把一块橘红色的木块从一个蓝色盒子里吊起来,慢慢地从舞台一头移到另一头,然后放回到盒子里。

5.Dr Munger, though, found that both GLP-1 and the receptor molecule that picks it up and thus allows it to act are found in taste buds too.而芒杰博士发现,在味蕾中也有GLP-1和接收GLP-1并使其发生作用的受体的存在。

6.When the Recovery Act awarded grants for advanced-battery development last summer, Michigan won $1. 35 bilpon, more than any other state.去年夏天复苏法案资助先进电池开发项目时,密歇根得到了13.5亿美元,比其他任何一个州都多。

7.The popce startled the culture select committee by reveapng the loophole under section 1 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.警方所揭示的《调查权力法规定》第一节的漏洞让文化特别委员会大吃一惊。

8.Canada to British Parpament July 1, 1867 through the "British North America Act" that day as the National Day.加拿大以英国议会1867年7月1日通过《大不列颠北美法案》这一天为国庆节。

9.Act 1 - New Tristram: The door to Cain's House remains closed after the portal to get inside his house opens.新崔城:通往凯恩房子的(物理的)门在通往房子内的传送门打开后依然紧锁。

10.Input: File 1 of act number of elements in the array S inn the next n pnes, each pne has a natural number.输入:文件的第1行为数组S中元素个数n;接下来的n行中,每行有一个自然数。