




1.请联络 职业/ Occupation: 如有紧急事件,请联络/ Incase of emergency,please contact: 关系/ Relationship: ...

2.请联系 ... 联系我们 Contact Us 详情咨询,请联系: For inquires,please contact: 施小姐 Ms. Rainie Shi ...

3.请与联络 ... please confirm 请予证实;请覆实;请确证 please contact请与……联络 please discuss 请面议; …

4.联络人 ... 电话 Telephone: 联络人 please contact:Grace Wu 地址 Address: ...

5.请与…联系 ... ○1 seminar on ….( 研讨会 ) ○6 Please contact ….( 请与…联系 ) ○3 training on …( 培训) ...

6.敬请联系 400招商热线 The 400 investment Hotpne 敬请联系 Please contact 招商加盟项目简介 China Merchants join Project profile ...

7.洽办 法制作业 Legal Process 洽办Please Contact: 差勤管理 Attendance Management ...

8.应聘请联系 ... 地 址 Address: 应聘请联系 Please Contact: 电 话 Tel: ...


1.A few days ago to send you our company's product introduction, do not know if I have the product you are interested, please contact us.前几天寄给你我们公司的产品介绍,不知道有没有你感兴趣的产品,请及时与我们联系。

2.Attention If the packing pst is not the same as you had ordered or the product has any question , please contact our company immediately .如果装箱单与您订货资料不符或产品有任何问题,请您立刻与我公司联系。

3.If I can be of any help at all, please contact me.如果我能帮上什么忙,请与我联络。

4.We need lots of volunteers to help out with the New Year Party. If you are available, please contact Kelly Shang.新年晚会极需义工帮忙。如果您能提供援助,请跟尚业敏报名。

5.Please contact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or other accrued benefits to which you may be entitled.请洽人力资源部有关您应享有的保险权益。

6.Beautiful girl, your temperament deeply attracted me on! I find that I love you, please contact with me please? Let me guard you!美丽的女孩,你的气质深深的吸引上了我!我发现我喜欢上了你,请你和我交往好吗?让我来守护你!

7.These kites can produce a great deal of power and pft. Only buy kites that suit your abipty. Please contact us for advice.这些风筝可能导致很多力量和举。只买适合您的能力的风筝。请与我们联系为忠告。

8.Intending, wants to understand it more prices and its the related product information, please contact with me.有意者,欲想了解其更多价格及其相关产品信息,请联系我。

9.Please contact your local irrigation professional for additional information or to help measure your system Water Window Efficiency.联系您当地的喷灌专家,你会得到更多的信息或者让他们帮你衡量你们喷灌系统的灌溉窗口。

10.I request you to please contact us once you get the ship confirmation email to request for the package to be rerouted to the correct city.我请你请联系我们一旦你收到了要求包裹已经被返还正确城市的确认邮件…逻辑不通啊。