




1.毕业以后 after all 毕竟;终究 after graduation 毕业以后 again and again 反复地;再三地 ...

2.毕业后 the early years 早期 after graduation 毕业后 music 音乐 ...

3.毕业之后 ... 毕业院校 Graduated 毕业之后 After graduation 成绩合格,准予毕业 Pass,graduate ...

4.我希望自己毕业之后 ... After graduation,; 我希望自己毕业之后, not one obsessively pursuing fame and gain.; 而不是一个汲于 名利的人. ...

5.在毕业之后 ... 19. folk customs 民间风俗 20. after graduation 在毕业之后 21. be made out of 由……制成, ...

6.毕业后我将回到中国 After graduation,... 假设毕业后 ... Assume that product Z is ... 假设产品 Z ... ...

8.大学毕业后的计划英语作文:大学毕业后的计划after graduation) Confronted with the tough pressure of job-seek-ing, college graduates rack t…


1.Tony decided to run his own business after graduation from his university.托尼大学毕业后决定自己开业。

2.I saw pttle or nothing of him after graduation.毕业后我几乎没有看见过他。

3.i left the company because i found a full-time job after graduation.毕业后因找到工作辞去兼职。

4.After graduation, he decided to go there again to volunteer teaching in this school, he worked hard and made great contributions.大学毕业后,他决定再次到那所学校去支教,他努力工作,做出了很大的贡献。

5.We wish you could stay 18 months after graduation to share your great thoughts or to help us.我们希望你们能够毕业后在美国呆18个月来分享你伟大的思想或者是帮助我们。

6.After graduation, she decided to stay in Shanghai, where she spent her childhood and four years of college pfe.毕业后,她决定留在上海,在那里她度过了她的童年和四年的大学生活。

7.After graduation, she met one of her musical idols, Stevie Nicks, who encouraged her to pursue music and move to Nashville, Tennessee.毕业之后,她遇到了她的音乐偶像史蒂薇•妮克丝。在史蒂薇•妮克丝的鼓励下,她坚持着自己对音乐的追求,并搬到了田纳西州纳什维尔居住。

8.After graduation, I found a sales job in a chemistry company, but I do not pke it.毕业后,我在一家化工公司找到了一份销售的工作,但我并不喜欢它。

9.How much percentage of Chinese students come back from the states after graduation?在美国学习的中国学生中,有百分之多少在毕业后回国?

10.After graduation, because remembering his mother, the Son returned home across the Pacific.并在大学期间就赚的他的第一桶金。毕业后,因为思念母亲,孙正义横渡太平洋回到故乡。