




1.所有美好的东西 15 摇玲 Ring My Bell 03 一切美好的事 All Good Things 06 一二步 1 2 Step ...

3.美丽破绽 True Grit《 真实的勇气》 All Good Things美丽破绽》 The Tourist《 致命伴旅》 ...

4.所以美好的事 ... 03.改变主意 - Change Your Mind 07.所以美好的事 - All Good Things 01.流沙回忆 Lovers Lane - Island Memories ...

5.所有的好事错的分别。”柯斯特说,与自己内心的魔鬼妥协让她对《所有的好事》(All Good Things)中的角色有更完整的认识,她说:“ …

6.所有好事 ... The Best Of Sissel Sissel 西茜尔精选 All Good Things 所有美好的事物 My Heart 我心 ...

8.妮莉费塔朵 28.席琳狄翁 - Alone 29.妮莉费塔朵: All Good Things 30.提姆巴兰: Apologize ...


1.This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.这就是事物发展的原理,所有好的事物都不易取得,而坏的却信手拈来。

2.Soon the cat wanted the fat once again. "All good things in threes, " she said to the mouse. "Again I have to be godmother. "很快猫再一次想那块肥肉了。“好事不过三,”她对老鼠说。“我这回又要当教母了。”

3.let's talk about this later, okay? It's true that all good things must come to an end, And august is no exception.这件事我们以后谈,好吗?美梦总会有醒的那一天,当然,八月也不例外。

4."We are all getting older, we are all getting up to that age. Nothing lasts forever; all good things come to an end, " Canning said.“我们都会变老,都会那个年龄,没有什么可以永久存在的,美好的东西总会消失”,这是一位叫凯宁的过客说的话。

5.This is the last day of our Crazy Engpsh summer camp. All good things must come to an end. We hope to see you next year.今天是我们疯狂英语夏令营的最后一天.天下没有不散的筵席.我们希望明年再见到你们。

6.But the bepef that all good things flow from Washington's wisdom overstates the U. S. contribution by a wide margin.不过,那种认为所有好事都来源于华盛顿的明智的观点,显然夸大了事实。

7.All good things must come to an end! Frankly speaking, I'm fed up with you.天下没有不散的筵席!坦率地说,我对你厌倦了。

8.All good things were theirs in abundance, and the fertile earth brought forth fruit of its own accord.一切好东西都数不胜数,富饶的土地自然而然地提供了充足的果实。

9.Sadly, we have no more time for this program. So we must say, "All good things must come to an end. "可惜的是,我们没时间继续谈这个话题了。因此我们必须说,“天下无不散之筵席。”

10.It was the most amazing, happy time, but all good things must come to an end.那是最惊奇最愉快的时光,但是任何美好的事都有一个终点。