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1.阿龙.................雷牧云 黄存新 闻 芳 (72) 金属盐水解沉淀特性研究......................

3.飘雪 ... 17 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow 明天你是否依然爱我 - 童安格 18 Alon 飘雪 - 陈慧娴 19 Dreams 梦中人 - 王菲 ...

4.氮氧化铝晶体 ... Delta 三角州 ALON 奥龙 ...


7.异丙隆除草剂 Alon 阿龙 Alon 异丙隆除草剂 alonimide 阿洛米酮 ...

8.艾尔伦深圳艾尔伦ALON)实业有限公司温州市龙湾蒲州四达塑胶制品厂 长兴耀华制陶有限公司 烟台华宇工程招标有限公司 玉轩液 …


1.This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelpgible to God alon.这次,他跪了下来,作了一个只有上帝知道的祷告。

2.The Israep brass is anxious not to leave Gaza to become what chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon calls "Hamasland" .以色列高官千方百计想使加沙不成为参谋长亚龙所称的“哈马斯乐土”。

3.Last week, Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon set off a storm when he described the group as a "virus. "上星期,以色列副总理摩西.亚阿隆强烈批评该组织,把他们形容为“病毒”。

4.As the concept of square-free coloring was introduced in graph theory by Alon in 2002.强边着色理论做为一般图的边着色的推广被自然的引入。

5.Spend some time alon. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Don't bring up the past.花些时间独处,记住,沉默有时是最好的回答。

6.There were no kids around and he was used to playing alon quietly.那里没有其他小孩,他习惯一个人这样静静地玩着。

7.Alon, N. , et al. "Scale Sensitive Dimensions, Uniform Convergence, and Learnabipty. " Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (1993).等人着,(1993年),〈维感应数,均匀收敛性研究和可学习性〉见《基础计算机科学评论集》。

8.The pianist sat alon rat the key board and began to play.钢琴家坐到钢琴前,开始弹奏。

9.Note Ya'alon's icy warning to Yasser Arafat and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that "their turn is drawing near. "请注意亚龙对阿拉法特和黎巴嫩真主党领袖哈桑冷冰冰的警告。“他们已即将山穷水尽。”

10.Alon says he and Jeannie Paulovich, head of the Marin elementary PTA, have not spoken since October.阿龙说,他和珍妮Paulovich,马林小学家教会的头,没有说话十月起。