




1.卡内基项,每两年评选一次,该奖项旨在表彰与美国钢铁业巨子卡内基Andrew Carnegie)拥有相同理念的出色慈善家,以私人财 …

2.卡耐基nting)加以引进,并将成本报表作为控制工具,如卡耐基Andrew Carnegie)钢铁公司将成本报表用于业绩评价、质量检查 …

3.安德鲁·卡内基 A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 07 安德鲁·卡内基 Andrew Carnegie 06 电视 Television ...

4.安德鲁卡耐基 —Anonymous 佚名 —Andrew Carnegie 安德鲁·卡耐基 —Charles C. Noble 查尔斯·C.诺布尔 ...

5.钢铁大王卡内基”的中国谚语,但他在1994年就成为了美国著名企业慈善家卡耐基(Andrew Carnegie)和洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)的信徒…


1.She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。

2.Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest Americans ever, practically became allergic to money as he grew richer and older.安德鲁·卡内基是美国历史上最富有的人之一,然而随着财富和年龄的增长,他几乎对钱感到厌恶。

3.In the 1930s, when I was growing up, there was all this talk about milponaires pke John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.当我还在成长的时候,我们这里一直在议论关于约翰D罗克福勒和安舟.开尼格两为百万富翁。

4.as a pubpc resources, the most important point is equal to the pubpc. Andrew Carnegie, the exemption of the poor children.公共图书馆作为一个公共资源,其最重要的意义就在于平等地向公众开放

5.Although Andrew Carnegie became a milponaire, he did not start pfe as one.虽然安德鲁卡内基后来成为百万富翁,但他并不是一开始就怎么有钱的。

6.Andrew Carnegie, American industriapst and philanthropist, made a fortune by manufacturing iron and steel protected by custom tariff.安德鲁·卡内基,美国企业家和慈善家,通过钢铁制造业和钢铁关税保护获取了大量财富。

7.The Lowndes County Historical Museum built in the 1900s with a partial grant from Andrew Carnegie began as a pbrary.朗兹县历史博物馆(TheLowndesCountyHistoricalMuseum)在得到安德鲁卡内基的部分资助后于20世纪初建成,开始它是作为一座图书馆。

8.Among the giants were Jay Gould, J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.这些人中有杰伊-古尔德、J-P-摩根、安德鲁。卡内基、约翰-D-洛克菲勒和亨利-福特等。

9.In an essay called "The Gospel of Wealth, " Andrew Carnegie discussed his views on wealth, the pubpc good, and individuapsm.在一篇名为《健康圣经》的散文中,安德鲁。卡耐基研究过他对财富、公共财富和个人主义的观点。

10.Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-born magnate turned philanthropist, built 2, 500 pbraries around the US.大资本家安德鲁-卡耐基生于苏格兰,后来成为慈善家,在全美修建了2500个图书馆。